الخميس، 9 أبريل 2009


اختر الإجابة الصحيحة:-
هذا هو السؤال الثالث في ورقة الامتحان وتعتمد فكرة هذا السؤال على كلمات المنهج والمصطلحات والتعبيرات اللغوية التي تم دراستها هذا بالإضافة إلى القواعد اللغوية كالآتي :
(8 جمل كلمات – 8 جمل قواعد) والآن إليك أهم هذه الكلمات والتعبيرات اللغوية .
Unit (1) Energy الطاقــــــــة
Rock ( N – V ) صخرة / يهتز Bilingual ناطق بلغتين
Geothermal energy
طاقة الأرض الحرارية Hydro-electric power (Dams)
الطاقة الكهرومائية
Non-renewable غير متجدد Doesn’t run out لا ينفد
Recycle يعيد تصنيع Last forever يستمر للأبد
Recycling إعادة تصنيع Solar-powered vehicles مركبات تسير بالطاقة الشمسية

Unit (2) Famous Writers مشاهير الكتـاب
Autobiography سيرة ذاتية بقلم الكاتب Traditions تقاليد
Playwright كاتب / مؤلف مسرحي Promoter مناصر / متعهد/ مؤيد
As a Sign of دليل / علامة لـ Restrictions قيود
Witness to the age
شاهد على العصر / يشهد Master works = master - pieces
روائع أدبية / فنية
Dominate يسيطر / يهيمن Male dominated مجتمع تسيطر عيه الرجال

Unit (3) Fast Forward سريعاً للأمام
Destination جهة الوصول In stock مخزون
Convert into / to يتحول إلى Features سمات / ملامح
Gravity الجاذبية / خطورة Queue (up) طابور / يصطف

Unit (4) Eclipses الكسوف و الخسوف
Astronomer عالم الفلك Solar شمسي
Astronaut رائد فضاء Lunar قمري
Astrologer منجم Partial جزئي
Superstition خرافة Go blind يصاب بالعمى
Superstitious مؤمن بالخرافات Crew طاقم (الطائرة / السفينة)
Prediction يتنبأ / التنبؤ Mysterious غامض
Unit (6) Running My Own Business إدارة عملي الخاص
Plot قطعة أرض للزراعة أو البناء Capitalism رأس المال / الرأسمالية
Supervisor مشرف Sleepless nights ليالي بدون نوم
Trade delegation وفد تجارى Representative ممثل / نائب
Prune يقلم الأشجار Loan / lend قرض / سلفة / يسلف

Unit (7) Building and Engineering الهندسة والمعمار
Permanent دائم Temporary مؤقت Construction يشيد/ يبني / بناء
Capture يأسر Submerge يغمر/ يغرق Raiders=invaders الغزاة
Treasury الخزانة Collapse ينهار illuminate يضيء / يشرق
Congestion ازدحام Withstand يقاوم/ يصمد Steep cliff منحدر صخري شاهق
Unit (8) A key to History مفتاح لدراسة التاريخ
Bark لحاء الشجرة Branch فرع /غصن Trunk جذع / ساق الشجرة
Evergreen دائم الخضرة Annual rings حلقات سنوية Borer مثقاب(آلة للثقب )
Drought الجفاف / القحط Leaves أوراق الشجر Stake وتد / سناد
Own up =Admit =Confess يعترف بـ / يقر بــ Pollen حبوب اللقاح
Unit (9) Food from The Air الطعام من الهواء
Funnel (pouring)
قمع( لصب السوائل)
Test tube
(holding liquids)
أنبوبة اختبار(لاحتواء السوائل)

Tripod حامل ثلاثي
(support equipment)
لسند المعدات

علم الزراعة في الماء Nourishment
Vegetation الحياة النباتية Soak up=absorb يمتص Nutrients غذاء
Dissolve يذوب / يتحلل Overweigh يزيد في الوزن
Unit (11) The Chain of hope سلسلة الأمل
GP = general practitioner ممارس عام Specialist أخصائي
Surgery عيادة /جراحة Perform =do= carry out an operation
= operate on يجري عملية جراحية
Midwife الداية /المولدة Donate يهب /يتبرع Treatment يعالج / علاج
Surgeon جراح Volunteer متطوع Host families عائلات مضيفة
Unit (12) Music الموسيقى
Improvise يرتجل Appeal to يروق لــ / يعجب / يستهوي
Independence الاستقلال Bread winner عائل الأسرة
Spy ( on / for ) جاسوس Composer ملحن
Send into exile ينفى / يعتقل Unfamiliar with غير مألوف لدى
National anthem النشيد القومي Local communities مجتمعات محلية
Unit (13) Women in History النساء في التاريخ
Equality المساواة homeless مشرد / بلا وطن
On strike إضراب Demonstration مظاهرة
Freelance يعمل لحسابه / مستقل Make contributions to يقدم إسهامات
Nun X monk راهبة X راهب Hold a protest march مسيرة احتجاج
Patriotism الوطنية Get on somebody’s nerve يضايق
Campaign حملة / يدير حملة Aviation = flying الطيران / الملاحة الجوية
Unit (14) Reach for the stars تقدم نحو النجوم
Gilder طائرة شراعية Asteroids كويكبات
Jumbo jet طائرة نفاثة Massive Kicks ضربات قوية
Straps سيور / أربطة Shuttle مكوك فضاء
Run Way مدرج طائرات بالمطار Hurricane إعصار
Havoc دمار شديد / خراب Accelerate يزيد السرعة
Equivalent to مساوى لــ In search of بحثاً عن
Unit (16) From Papyrus to CD ROM من الباردى إلى الليزر
Reed نبات البوص Strips أشرطة
Compress يكبس / يضغط Pulp لب الأشجار
Logs كتل / قطع Woodchips رقائق / نشارة الخشب
Settle the dispute يسوى النزاع Ingredients المكونات / المقادير
Linen الكتان Make sacrifices يقدم الأضحى / القرابين
Squeeze يعصر Mould قالب ( لصب شيء بداخله)
Unit (17) Festivals around the world الاحتفالات حول العالم
Celebrate يحتفل بــ Family gatherings التجمعات / اللقاءات العائلية
Procession موكب Descendants أحفاد
Evil Spirits الأرواح الشريرة Commemorate يحي ذكرى
Ancestors أجداد / أسلاف Encyclopedia دائرة معارف
Abandon = desert يهجر Signature توقيع / ملزمة من 16 صفحة
Unit (18) Job Hunting الحصول على الوظيفة
Command إجادة تمكن Talented موهبة / موهوب
Qualifications مؤهلات Application from طلب التحاق
Applicant =Candidate مرشح/متقدم لوظيفة Unreliable لا يعتمد عليه
Efficient كفء Fluent in فصيح في / طلق في
Patient صبور / مريض Stand in for ينوب عن
Enquiry استفسار Do stunts يؤدى أعمال خطيرة
Unit (19) Life long learning تعليم مدى الحياة
Self – employed يعمل لحسابه الشخصي Retire يتعاقد
Promotion ترقية Courier ساعي
Forum منتدى إقتصادى Browse يتصفح كتاباً
Appointment موعد Staff هيئة الموظفون
Memorize يحفظ عن ظهر قلب Pursue يطارد / يلاحق / يواصل
Theme فكرة / موضوع Investments استثمارات
Parade عرض لإظهار القوة يحدث قبل السباق Acquire يكتسب
Join = enroll in / on يلتحق بــ / يدرج اسمه Do sweeping and dusting يقوم بأعمال التنظيف
Catch up with = Cope with = Keep pace with يواكب / يساير/ يلاحق

The Most Important Idioms أهم الاصطلاحات
Back to back = one by one الواحد تلو الأخر Give or take = approximately تقريباً
Back to front = the wrong way round معكوس Give and take = come to an agreement الوصول إلى الاتفاق
To be over the moon = very happy سعيد جداً No laughing matter = a serious matter جاد / ليس هيناً
Get / put your skates on = hurry up أسرع By and large = generally بصفة عامة
Now and again = occasionally من حين لآخر Odds and ends = unimportant things أشياء غير هامة
Wait and see = be patient اصبر Get / keep / stay / be in touch with يكون على اتصال بـ
Put your feet up = rest = relax يستريح Like a bear with a sore head = very angry غاضب جداً
As a sign of respect كدليل احترام At the age of في عمر
You must be joking! لابد أنك تمزح You can’t be serious! لا يمكن أن تكون جاداً
Live and learn عيش وتعلم Turn over a new leaf يبدأ صفحة جديدة
Oxygen-making factory مصنع لإنتاج الأكسجين Work around the clock= day and night على مدر الساعة

Take يأخذ - Took - Taken
Take away = remove يزيل / يبعد Take down = write down يدون / يسجل
Take after = look like = resemble يشبه Take place = happen = occur يحدث / يقع
Take part in = participate in يشارك في Take on = employ يوظف
Take apart = separate يفصل / يفكك Take in= host يفهم / يخدع / يمتص / يستضيف
Take over = be responsible for يتولى المسئولية Take off يخلع الملابس / تقلع الطائرة
Take to = like يحب / يدمن Take up يشغل حيزاً من الفراغ
Put يضع - Put - Put
Put (sb) away = imprison يسجن Put (sth) off = delay يؤجل
Put (sth) away = arrange يرتب / يضع في مكانه Put up with = bear يتحمل / يطيق
Put (sth) forward = suggest يقدم اقتراحاً Put out يطفئ نور / نار
Put (sb) forward recommend يزكى / يرشح Put ( sth ) down يسجل / يدون
Put (sb) off=make(sb) dislike(sth) ينفر / يصد Put on weight = become fat يزداد وزناً
Work يعمل - Worked - Worked
Work out = solve = do يحل Work for يعمل لدى / لحساب
Work on (sth) = repair يصلح Work against = hinder يعمل ضد / يعوق
Work on (sb) = persuade يقنع Work in / for your favour يعمل في صالح
Work up = develop يتقدم / يتحسن تدريجياً Work at = work hard ينهمك في العمل
Keep يحفظ / يصون - Kept - Kept
Keep up with يساير / يلاحق Keep at يواظب على
Keep pace with يجارى / يلاحق Keep down يخفض / يسيطر على
Keep on = go on يستمر Keep off / out يتجنب / يبتعد عن
Cut يقطع - Cut - Cut
Cut out يقطع صورة من مجلة Cut to size يقطع حسب الحجم المطلوب
Cut down = decrease يخفض / يرشد / يقلل Cut back = prune يقلم / يشذب / يقلل
Cut off يفصل / يقطع التيار Cut it short هات من الآخر / اختصر
Count يعد / يحسب - Counted - Counted
Count against يعد في غير صالح Count down يعد تنازلياً
Count on / upon=depend on =rely on يعتمد على Count in يشتمل على
Count up يعد تصاعدياً Count out يستبعد
Make يجعل / يصنع - Made - Made
Make up = invent يتزين / يتنكر / يخترع Make for يتجه نحو
Make up for يعوض عن Make out=see=understand يرى بصعوبة / يفهم
Run يجرى - Ran - Run
Run after = chase يطارد Run into = come across يقابل مصادفة
Run out = finish ينتهي / ينفذ Run over يدهس بالسيارة
Look ينظر - Looked - Looked
Look forward to + v + ing يشتاق إلى Look for = search for ( sth ) يبحث عن
Look like = resemble يشبه Look after = take care of يعتني بــ
Look up = look for a word يبحث عن معنى كلمه Look up to × Look down upon يحترم×يحتقر
أفعال تستخدم مع أسماء معينة :

Give يعطى
Given advice نصيحة – information معلومات – a party =a concert يقيم حفلاً a speech يلقى خطبا - a lectureيلقى محاضرة - a performance يقدم عرضاً - consideration يعطى اعتباراً - a chance يمنع فرصة - a shock يسبب صدمة
يلعب /يعزف مسرحية a trick on يحتال / a role = a part يلعب دورا / with fire يلعب بالنار - a game يلعب لعبة - music يعزف موسيقى -the violin, the guitar, the piano.. مع جميع الآلات الموسيقية - Squash, Soccer, Hokey, Tennis, Basketball … مع جميع الألعاب التي بها كرة
Make, made, made
يصنع / يجعل a decision يتخذ قرار – a suggestion يقدم اقتراحاً - a discovery يكتشف - a promise يعطى وعداً - a mistake يخطئ - a research يقوم ببحث - tea يعد الشاي - the bed يرتب الفراش - sense يعطي معني - an effort يبذل مجهود - money يكسب مالاً - noise يحدث ضوضاء - a fortune يكون ثروة - trouble مشاكل - an announcement يعلن contributions to يقدم اسهامات
Do, did, done
يعمل research on يعمل بحث عن - PhD الدكتوراه - post graduate studies دراسات عليا - a project يقوم بعمل مشروع - puzzle يحل لغزاً - homework = housework, shopping يتسوق – harm يضر - exercise يقوم بتمارين - favour يسدى معروفا - karate يلعب كاراتيه –judo / wrestling مصارعة .
يبتكر a technique يبتكر أسلوب - a plan يضع خطة - a way = a method يبتكر طريقة - a scheme خطة / مشروع .
Spend, spent, spent
يقضى / ينفق money ينفق نقود - time يقضى وقتاً - a fortune ينفق ثروة
فترة زمنية ) + v + ing ) Ex: She spent all the night studying.
Satisfy, satisfied
يرضى / يشبع a need يشبع حاجة – a boss يرضى رئيسه - a desire رغبة -
an examiner يرضى الممتحن - yourself اشبع حاجاتك
Carry out, carried out
ينقذ / نقذ a plan ينفذ خطة - orders = instructions ينفذ تعليمات an operation يجرى عملية جراحية - a project ينفذ مشروع - a research ينفذ بحث - a survey يقوم بدراسة .
Construct, constructed
يبنى a house l a building l a bridge كوبري - a road طريق .
Raise, d
يرفع / يزيد hopes يزيد الآمال - fear يثير الخوف - suspicion يثير الشك - taxes يزيد الضرائب - the alarm يحذر - money يجمع تبرعات - your voice, hand, arm, head .. - animals يربى حيوانات - awareness يزيد الوعي - a question يثير سؤال .
يثير interest يثير الاهتمام - anger يثير الغضب - expectations يثير التوقعات – sympathy التعاطف .
Have, had / had يملك a discussion يناقش - an argument يجادل - a fight يتشاجر -
a holiday يأخذ أجازه - fun يمرح - a problem لديه مشكلة -
an effect on له تأثير - an operation يعمل عملية – a meal وجبة
Apply for

A job وظيفة a loan قرض / سلفة place at a collegeمكان بالكلية أو الجامعة
الكلمات الأتية تستخدم كأسماء وأفعال Waterماء / يروي * fuel وقود / يزود بالوقود * sun الشمس / يعرض للشمس *
* sail يبحر / شراع * pump يضخ / مضخة * remains يبقى / يظل / بقابا / أثار *

- Speak for
- Speak to /with
- Speak of/about يتكـــــلم
- يتكلم نيابة عن شخص
- يتحدث مع شخص
- يتحدث عن شيء / شخص Exchange
- exchange … for
- exchange … with
- in exchange for يستبدل / استبدال
- يستبدل شيء بشيء
- يستبدل شيء مع شخص
- في مقابل
Similar to
The same as مشابه لــ ( يوجد اختلاف )
نفس الشيء ( لا يوجد اختلاف) Stay with
Stay at / in يقيم مع شخص
يقيم في مكان
-effect on
- the effect of يؤثر علي (وبدون حرف جر)
- تأثير / نتيجة
- أثر / نتيجة Globe
- global
- globalism العالم / الكون
- عالمي / كوني
- العولمة
Make صفة+ (مفعول)
Make (مفعول) + inf.
Made of
Made from يجعل
مصنوع من ( مادة لم تتغير )
مصنوع من ( مادة تغيــــرت) Infect
Infectious يلوث / يعدي
تلوث / عدوي
ملوث / مصاب
معدي / ملوث
Move in
Move out ينتقل إلي مكان جديد
يترك المكان الذي يعيش فيه Manage to + inf.
Succeed in +v+ing يتمكن من
ينجح في
A lot of (C / U)
Much ( U )
Many ( c )
Few ( c )
A few ( c )
Little ( U )
A little ( U ) كثير من (في الإثبات ) يعد – لا يعد
كثير من (سؤال / نفي ) لا يعد
كثير من (سؤال /نفي/إثبات) يعد
قليل للعدد (تفيد النفي) لا يكفي
قليل للعدد ( تفيد الإثبات) يكفي
قليل للكمية ( تفيد النفي) لا يكفي
قليل للكمية (تفيد الإثبات) يكفي
Lie Lay Lain
Lie (to) Lied Lied
Lay Laid Laid
يقع ( في مكان ) يضطجع
يكذب علي
يضع / يرتب / تبيض
Steal (sth)
Rob a place
(sb) of (sth) يسرق شيء ما (ككل)
يسرق شيء من مكان
يسلب شيء من شخص
Reason for v+ing
why + جملة
Cause of ( n / v+ ing) Cause +(مفعول) +to+inf
يتسبب في
سبب / مبرر
سبب / مبرر Let + مفعول + inf.
v + ing
مفعول +to+inf. يترك / يسمح

يترك / يسمح
Insist on ( v+ing )
Insist that +فاعل + should + inf. يصر علي
يصر أن Consider + v+ ing
= think of / about يفكر في / يعتبر
Spend فترة زمنية + v + ing يقضي وقتاً Spend money ينفق مالاً
Trade in ( something )
Trade with ( someone ) يتاجر في شيء
يتاجر مع شخص / دولة Queue (up)
Row طابور خارج (السينما / الفصل )
طابور داخل ( السينما / الفصل)
Heir تراث
ميراث / تركة
وريث Rent x ( let outيؤجر )
Hire x ( hire outيؤجر )
Landlord / landlady يستأجر شيء لفترة طويلة
يستأجر شيء لفترة قصيرة
صاحب العقار / صاحبة العقار
Rise / rose / risen
Raise / raised / raised
Arise / arose / arisen
Arouse / aroused /..ed يرتفع / تشرق (بدون مفعول)
يرفع / يخصص (مفعول)
ينشأ / يتواجد (بدون مفعول)
يثير عطف / شفقة / شك (مفعول) Outdoor + ( الاسم )
Indoor + الاسم ) )
Outdoors (لا يتبعها اسم )
Indoors ( لا يتبعها اسم ) خارجي ( خارج المنزل ) (صفة(
داخلي ( داخل المنزل ) (صفة(
خارجي ( ظرف adverb )
داخلي ( ظرف adverb )
A couple of
A pair of (shoes) زوجاً من / اثنان
زوجـــان (husband& wife)
زوج من (أشياء من جزأين معا ) Quite = completely
Quiet = calm
Quit = give up تماماً
يترك / يرحل
Share with / in
Devide (into) يشارك مع / في
يقسم على Metre
Meter المتر ( وحدة قياس )
عداد ( في سيارة / جهاز )
Fill in = complete
Fill with
Full of يكمل / يملأ استمارة / بيانات...
يملأ بشيء (مادي – معنوي)
ممتلئ بـ Miss
Loose يفتقد شخص / تفوته مواصلة
يفقد شيء ما / يضل الطريق
غير مثبت / واسع / طليق
Consist of
Including يرفق شيء داخل خطاب
يتضمن / يشتمل علي
يحتوي علي الشيء بداخله
يتكون من أجزاء
بما في ذلك / من ضمنهم more
Another different
Other + noun
Others زيادة ( لا نضع لها the / S )
آخر / آخرون ( نضع لها the/ S)
يأتي بعدها الاسم
لا يأتي بعدها الاسم
Borrow (from) يستلف (من) Lend (to) يسيلف ( لــ )

Grammar Review مراجعة لأهم القواعد
Supposed to

Present مضارع( Advising النصح )
Should / ought to + inf = am / is / are + supposed to + inf
Ex: You should study hard. = You are supposed to study hard.
Past ماضى ( Blaming اللوم)
Should / ought to have + pp = was / were ( not ) + supposed to + inf
Ex: You should have studied hard. = You were supposed to study hard.
لاحظ الافكار الاتية جيدا
1- I really regret ever starting that business. ( supposed / should )
- I wasn’t supposed to start that business.
- I shouldn’t have started that business.
2- I wish I were with my friends now. ( should )
- I should have been with my friends now.
3- You were wrong when you insulted the old woman. (supposed / should )
- You weren’t supposed to insult the old woman.
- You shouldn’t have insulted the old woman.
Choose the correct answer: ما ورد في امتحانات سابقة
1- We…. to take the bus to Sharm-El-Sheikh this morning, but the trip was cancelled. ( 2004 )
a) shouldn’t b) were supposed c) supposed d) are supposed
2- Your sister is…….. do her work now. ( 2002 )
a) should b) has to c) supposed to d) ought to

Used to + inf / (Be) used to + V + ing
1- She usually gets up late in the morning. ( is used to ) ( 2002)
2- When I was young, I made sand castles on the beach. ( used to ) ( 2002)

3- She finds it strange to stay at home all day. ( not used to) (1994)

Shall / will+ inf.
Is + going to +inf.
are Am
Is +v+ing
are Shall
+be +v+ing
will The present simple
- حقيقة Fact
- قرار سريع
Quick decision
- تهديد Threat
- تنبؤ Prediction
- طلب Request
- عرض Offer
EX: I’ll be 17 next
I’m sure/I think
/ I expect/ I hope
1- النية / التخطيط
Intention planning
2- أحداث علي وشك الحدوث بناءاً علي دليل
Actions that are about to happen based on evidence.
EX: It’s going train. The sky is looking very dark. 1- أحداث مستقبلية تم الأعداد لها فعلاً .
- Arranged future actions. (arrangement)
EX: He is travelling to Assiut tomorrow.
(He has got the ticket ) 1- يستخدم عندما يكون الشخص مستمراً في أو في وسط عمل شيء ما في وقت محدد في المستقبل.
It’s used to say that you will be in the middle of doing something at a certain time in future.
EX: From 2 to 4 tomorrows,I will be revising my lessons. 1- يعبر عن حدث مؤكد الحدوث في المستقبل بناءاً علي جدول مواعيد أو تقويم
1- For certain future actions due to a timetable or calendar.
EX: His plane arrives at 5 tomorrow.

Reported Speech الحديث المنقول عن الآخرين

خطوات التحويل مع بعض النقاط الهامة :-
1- تحذف الأقواس ونربط بــ (That ) ويمكن الاستغناء عنها .
2- تحويل الأزمنة إلي الأقدم (مضارع أي نوع يحول إلي نفس النوع في الماضي )(الماضي التام لا يحول )
3- تحول الضمائر حسب المعني كالآتي :-

Direct مباشر Indirect غير مباشر Direct مباشر Indirect غير مباشر ملاحظات
Mine He / she
His / her
Himself / herself
Him / her
His / hers We
Ours They
Theirs لاحظ عزيزي الطالب أن هذه الضمائر تحول فقط عندما تكون داخل الأقواس
 الضمائر (They / He / She / It ) و مشتقا تهم لا تحول حتى ولو كانت داخل الأقواس .
 الضمير (You ) يحول حسب المعني فيعود علي المخاطب خارج الأقواس .

لاحظ تحويل الأفعال الآتية :-
Direct مباشر Indirect غير مباشر Direct مباشر Indirect غير مباشر
الدالة علي الإلزام
Must لا تحول)) الدالة علي الإلزام
Must تبقي كما هي)) Must الدالة علي الضرورة Had to كان يجب أن
الدالة علي الاستنتاج Must + have + P.P Should, could, might, would
(لا تحول) Should, could, might, would
(لا تحول)

EX:- The doctor said to me, “You must take these tablets for a week” (told)
* The doctor told me that I must take those tablets for a week.
EX: “You must be very excited to be going to Peru, Leila, “Said Samira.
* Samira told Leila that she must have been very excited to …..
لاحظ أن :- فعل القول إذا كان في نهاية الجملة يوضع في بدايتها وإذا ذكر المخاطب داخل الأقواس فيعامل كأنه خارج الأقواس .
EX: The vet says, “I’ll have to give the horse an injection.”
* The vet says that he will have to give the horse an injection.
لاحظ أن :- الأزمنة لا تتحول إذا كان خارج الأقواس مضارع / مستقبل أو أن الكلام قيل قريبا .
EX: The teacher said to us, “Egypt lies in the North East of Africa.”
* The teacher told us that Egypt lies in the North East of Africa.
لاحظ أن : الحقائق لا يتغير زمنها مهما كان الزمن خارج الأقواس .

انتبه جيداً لهذه الأفكار))
1) The judge said, “Let’s not say anything about the murder till we hear the facts. ( The judge suggested )
* The judge suggested not saying anything about the murder till they heard the facts.
2) “I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to treat you until tomorrow.” Said the doctor. ( The doctor apologized)
* The doctor apologized for not being able to treat me until the following day.
3) He asserted that his hospital was the best in the city. (He said )
* He said, “My hospital is the best in the city.”

الأوامـــر أو الطلبات المهذبـــة

1- إذا كان الأمر مثبت تحذف الأقواس ونربط بـ (to + inf. )
2- إذا كان الأمر منفي تحذف الأقواس ونربط بـ ( not to + inf. )
EX: “Roll up your sleeve, please, and I’ll give you your injection,”
The nurse said to me. (asked)
 The nurse asked me to roll up my sleeve and she would give me my injection.
- لاحظ أن كلمات الاستعطاف مثل (please, excuse me, pardon ) تحذف عند التحويل.
EX: “Don’t go near the cage, children,” said the mother.(The mother warned)
 The mother warned her children not to go near the cage.

سؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد سؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد ناقص سؤال يبدأ بأداة استفهام
يجب أن يحذف مع الأقواس وعلامة الاستفهام ويتم الربط بـ ( (if whether)) وتحول الضمائر والأزمنة وهذا الفعل هو Do,Does) ) يحول الفعل بعدهم إلي ماضي بسيط
يحول الفعل بعدها إلي ماضي تام لا يمكن أن يحذف وهنا نحذف الأقواس وعلامة الاستفهام ونربط بـ (if / whether) وبعد ذلك نضع الفاعل قبل الفعل مع تغير الضمائر والأزمنة ومثال هذه الأفعال
Can, Could, Have,Will,
Would, Are... هنا نحذف الأقواس وعلامة الاستفهام وتبقي أداة الاستفهام كرابط وتحول الضمائر والأزمنة مثال :
Where, When, Why How long, What,


EX: 1- She said “Did Fawzia get treatment?” (asked)
 She asked if / whether Fawzia had got / received treatment.
2- She said to me, “Are you scared of the operation ? “ (wondered)
 She wondered if / whether I was scared of the operation.
3- The interviewer said to sir Magdi, “How do you find out about children with heart problems?” (asked)
 The interviews asked sir Magdy how they found out about…
انتبه لهذه الأفكار جيدا

1) He wanted to know what they had said. (did)
 He asked, “ What did they say?”
2) She asked me if I had heard that Adel is in hospital. (She said to me)
 She said to me, “Have you heard that Adel is in hospital?”
3) He wondered if I would give me a lift to the airport. (Will)
 - He said to me, “Will you give me a lift to the airport?”

: EX - If she doesn’t study hard, she will fail. ( Unless )
 Unless she studies hard, she will fail.

Provided = Providing = On condition = In the event (That ) بشرط أن
In case في حالة As long as ما دام / طالما

Ex:- 1- Unless we take care of the environment, our children won’t enjoy the things we enjoy today. (If /As long as / Provided)
2- She will be early unless there is a traffic jam. ( provided that ) ( 2001 )
3- I’ll be angry with you if you don’t come. ( unless ) ( 2003 )
Were = If 2 / Had = If 2 / If 3
Ex:- If I had enough money, I would buy a car. ( Were / Had )
- Were I to have enough money, I would buy a car.
- Had I enough money, I would buy a car.

Without / But for Noun / V + ing = If it weren’t for / hadn’t been for(N or v+ ing)

EX:- If you don’t have a proper study plan, it is easy to waste time. ( Without)
- Without having a proper study plan, it is easy to waste time. ( 2002 )
2- Without the rescuers’ efforts, many people would have died. ( If ) ( 1993 )
- If it hadn’t been for the rescuers’ efforts, many people would have died.

EX:- I arrived late, so I missed the bus. (If)
- If I hadn’t arrived late, I wouldn’t have missed the bus.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1- What…..if he had left the meeting? ( 2002 )
a) will happen b) would happen c) had happened d) would have happened
2- I wouldn’t have reached this stage unless she ……me. ( 2002 )
a) helped b) had helped c) was helping d) would help
3- The sea will be polluted……we stop dumping oil and rubbish into it.( 2002 )
a) as long as b) if c) so that d) unless
4- If he had remembered to set the alarm clock, Hani…..woken up late. ( 2003 )
a) would have b) wouldn’t have c) have been d) would be
5- The Red Sea resorts will be popular…..they remain unpolluted. ( 2003 )
a) if not b) provided that c) so as d) unless
6- If he hadn’t bought a car he………….that accident. ( 2003 )
a) didn’t have b) wouldn’t have had c) would have d) wouldn’t have
7- …..he understand the lesson if he read the summary? ( 2003 )
a) Will b) Did c) Would d) Can
8- She couldn’t have gone out during the eclipse if she…..superstitious.(2003)
a) was b) had been c) were d) is
9- Would Ahmad be angry if I………his bicycle without asking? ( 2004 )
a) take b) will take c) took d) had taken
10- I ….out if it is stormy. ( 2004 )
a) wouldn’t go b) won’t go c) wouldn’t have gone d) hadn’t gone
Rewrite the following sentences to give the same meaning:-
1-Without your help, I would have lost my way in the desert. ( If ) ( 2004 )
2- If she had studied hard, she would have passed the exam. (because)( 2003)
3-She was lost because she didn’t follow my directions. ( If ) ( 2002 )
4- Take an aspirin and your headache may get better. (If / Unless / ……)
5- Eating rich food sometimes leads to indigestion. (If / In case / ……)
6- He is rich, so he is happy. ( If / Unless )
7- Heat changes water into steam. ( If )
القواعد الذهبية الخاصة بأدوات الربط الزمنية

After / As soon as / When / Before / By the time / till=until / If / Unless
No sooner… than = Hardly…. when = Scarcely…. when
It was only when…. that = It wasn’t until……. that

القاعدة الأولى

المضارع يرتبط بالمضارع في الحقائق العلمية والعادات فقط.
Ex: If we heat air, it rises.(Fact) Ex: I always have a cup of tea when I get up.(habit)

القاعدة الثانية

المضارع البسيط أو المضارع التام يرتبطان بالمستقبل البسيط في الأحداث العادية ويستخدمان بعد اداة الربط.
Ex: If he studies OR has studied hard, he will succeed.
As soon as I finish OR have finished my H.W, I will go to bed.
We will tell him the truth when he arrives OR has arrived.
القاعدة الثالثة
الماضي يرتبط اما بالماضي التام (Had + P.P) او الماضي المستمر ( was / were + v + ing )
ولا يجتمع الماضي التام مع الماضي المستمر ابدا في نفس الجملة.
Ex: After I had seen the thief, I called the police.
No sooner had the thief seen the policeman than he ran away.
When I arrived, she was cleaning the house.

لاحظ استخدام صيغة الاستفهام عند بدء الجملة بـ( No sooner/ Hardly / Scarcely)

لاحظ ما يلي جيدا:-

Had + P.P = Having + P.P+ فاعل + أداة ربط

Ex: As soon as she had finished shopping, she went home. ( Having )
* Having finished shopping, she went home.
Ex: She refused to leave without taking the money. ( until / After )
* She refused to leave until she had taken the money.
* After she had taken the money, she left.
جملة نتيجة) )because / as / since(جملة سبب)
Ex: He gets high marks because he is intelligent.
( جملة سبب)so = thus = hence = therefore = consequently = that’s why (جملة نتيجة)
that’s the reason why =as a result
Ex: He is intelligent consequently he gets high marks.
(جملة نتيجة) because of =on account of = as a result of ( سبب Noun / V+ing )
= owing to = due to = thanks to
Ex: He gets high marks because of his intelligence / being intelligent.
A) Choose the correct answer: ما ورد في امتحانات سابقة
1- The team played carelessly in yesterday’s semi-final…..they lost the match.
a) because b) if c) so d) as (2004)
2- The match was put off…….. the bad weather.
a) because b) so c) because of d) hence (2002)
B) Rewrite the following:
1) I arrived very late at the airport. The result was that I missed my plane. ( consequently ) (2004)
2) He passed the exam on account of his cleverness. ( being ) ( 2003)
سبب but, yet, however نتيجة
Ex: He was injured, but he continued to fight.
نتيجة although = though = even thought = even if سبب
Ex: He continued to fight although he was injured.
جملة نتيجة)) in spite of=despite=regardless of=with all=for all ( سبب Noun / V+ing )
Ex: He continued to fight in spite of his injury / being injured.
ما ورد في امتحانات سابقة
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) …… the man was very sick, he didn’t see the doctor. ( 2001 )
a) As b) So c) Unless d) Although
2) I’m not very good at most sports,…….. I can swim very well. ( 2002 )
a) despite b) however c) because d) whatever
3) We went out ….. the rain. ( 2004 )
a) although b) in spite of c) despite the fact that d) even
4) The old man is not happy………… his big fortune. ( 2002 )
a) although b) but c) however d) despite
5) ….the students are studying French, no-one speaks it well. ( 2003 )
a) Because b) Unless c) Although d) In spite of
6) He went to school………..he had a bad cold. ( 2004 )
a) despite b) because c) although d) unless
7) The food smelt wonderful,……….. she did not even try it. ( 2003 )
a) despite b) however c) so d) because
A) Rewrite the following:
1) She has a very sweet voice, but she does not want to be a singer.
(In spite of ) ( 2002)
2) In spite of his advice, she made the same mistake. ( though ) ( 2003 )
3) You must answer these questions whether you are ready or not.( even if)(2002)

صفة +فاعل / فعـل

Although +فاعـل + فعـل

- Although they fought bravely, they had no chance of winning.
……………………………………………………………………………………. ( However ) …………………………………………………………………………………… (In spite of)
…………………………………………………………………………………… ( Bravely )

Whether …. or not سواء ....... أم لا

1- Some people follow fashion whether it suits them or not. ( even if )
2- You must answer these questions whether you are ready or not.
(even though) (2002)
3- He has to take the medicine even if he doesn’t like it. ( whether )
Noun + Verb

Whateverمهما Noun + Subject + Verb

Ex: - Whatever the exam is, I can anewer it.
1- I respect him greatly regardless of his mistakes. (whatever) (2001)
2- Though that film is boring, I am going to watch it. (Whatever)

جملة نتيجة to = in order to = so as to inf. فعـل Purpose غرض

Ex: - We study hard to get high marks.

(So as not to / in order not to) هكــذا (Not)وفي حالة النفي نضع .

Ex: - He ran fast so as not to be late for school.

مضارع / مستقبل so that الفاعـل + may + inf.
in order that will
in the hope that could
ماضـــــــي that الفاعـل + might + inf.

Ex: - We study hard so that we can get high marks.
- He ran fast so that he would not be late for school.
- لتحويل الغرض إلي سبب لابد من استخدام :

because want
جملة نتيجة as + الفاعـل + need – hope to + inf.
since wish

لاحظ أن ( هذه الأفعــال تصرف حسب زمــن الجملة )
Ex: - We study hard because we want to get high marks.
- -He ran fast because he didn’t want to be late for school.
1- She opened the window to have a look at the garden.(2003)(so that) (because)

Besides / In addition to / As well as بالإضافة إلي V + ing / الاسم

- He has an interest in music and he writes poetry.
- In addition to his interest / having an interest in music, he writes poetry.

Not only ….. but ….. as well / Not only ….. but also …..

ليس فقط … ولكن أيضاً عند بدء الجملة بها نقدم الفعل المساعد علي الفاعـل .

Not only does he have an interest in music but also he writes poetry.

ملاحظـــــات هامـــــة جـــــــداً :
1- إذا جاءت (In addition) بدون (to) ففي هذه الحالة تتبع بجملة كاملة .
- He has an interest in music, in addition he writes poetry.
2- عندما تربط (as well as) بين جملتين يختلفان في الفاعـل نتبع ما يلي:

فعـل يتبع الفاعـل الأول + الفاعل الثاني as well as, ,الفاعـل الأول
Ex: - My friends are interested in Islamic songs, so am I. (as well as)
- My friends, as well as, I are interested in Islamic songs.
3- الروابط الآتية الفعـل معـها يتبع الفاعـل الثاني وليس الأول.
- Neither the teacher nor the boys are here.
- Either the boss or the employees are responsible for the work.
- Not only Emam but also his brothers were injured in the accident.
روابط غير مقررة لكنها وردت في الامتحانات

(so صفة that جملة) - (such (a – an) صفة + اسم that (جملة جداً لدرجة أن
صفة) enough to + inf. بالقدر الكافي لـ) - (too صفة to inf. (جداً لدرجة أن لا

Ex: - He is too tired to do his homework. (so … that) (2004)
- He is clever and he can answer this question. (enough) ( 2002)

- The man is too weak to go for a walk alone. (so…that) ( 2003)

Unless إذا لم / لو لم فعـل الشرط جواب الشرط
فعـل الشرط otherwise وإلا جواب الشرط
Ex: - Unless you are careful, you will hurt yourself. (otherwise)
= Be careful, otherwise you will hurt yourself.
- He should pay attention, otherwise he won’t get better. (Unless)
= Unless he pays attention, he won’t get better.

Only … if / when… = Don’t … unless…

Ex: - Only go out if / when you are allowed to. (Don’t)
= Don’t go out unless you are allowed to.

- Don’t open the window unless I tell you. (Only)
= Only open the window if/ when I tell you.

يتكون من Have / Has + P.P
الاستخدام: يعبر عن حدث بدأ فى الماضى ولا يزال يحدث أو له أثر حتى الآن.
Ex: We have studied English for 7 years.
يستخدم المضارع التام البسيط أيضا للتعبير عن الأتي :
1- يعبر عن نشاط حدث بدأ في الماضي وربما يستمر في الحاضر أو المستقبل .
1 - He has been in London since last month.
- They have lived in that house for ten years.
2- يعبر عن أشياء حدثت منذ فترة قصيرة . 2 - He has just left home. - - She has already cleaned the room.
3- يعبر عن أشياء لم تحدث . 3- I have never seen him before. He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
4- يعبر عن شئ حدث في وقت ما في الماضي ولكن لم يتحدد متى حدث .
4 - I have seen this film before.
5- يستخدم المضارع التام البسيط إذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن كمية أو عدد .
5 - I have phoned him ten times.
Have / has been to ذهب إلي مكان ثم عاد مرة ثانية
- He has been to France ( He went there and came back )
Have / has gone to ذهب إلي مكان ما ومازال هناك

- He has gone to Italy. ( He went there but hasn’t come back yet) .

لاحظ الأفكار الآتية جيدا
1- إذا جاء مع ( Since ) فعل واحد فقط نضعه فى زمن المضارع التام / التام المستمر
القاعدة : ( بداية المدة since مضارع تام / تام مستمر ) ( ستعرف أيهما عندما نفرق بينهما)
EX. I have worked as a teacher since 1990.
2- إذا جاء معهما فعلان فنضع بعدها ماضي بسيط وقبلها مضارع تام / مضارع تام مستمر.
القاعدة : ( ماضي بسيط since مضارع تام )
EX. His health has improved since he took the medicine.
3- إذا طلب منك استخدام ( ago ) بدلا من ( for ) أو ( since ) في جملة مثبتة.
يجب استخدام الفعل ( began to / started to ) قبل الفعل الأصلي وتكون القاعدة كالآتي :
القاعدة ago : +( طول المدة الماضية )....... started / began to + inf. + الفاعل
EX. She has played tennis for 5 years. ( ago)
She began to play tennis 5 years ago.
4- إذا طلب منك استخدام ( ago) بدلا من ( for ) او (since) في جملة منفية عليك بالقاعدة التالية :
ago. ( طول المدة الماضية) ............ + الفعل ماضي بسيط( مثبت) last + الفاعل )
EX. He has not visited his village since 1990. ( ago)
- He last visited his village 15 years ago.
5- إذا طلب منك استخدام (ago) بدلا من ( just ) إليك القاعدة التالية :
a moment ago …….+الفعل ماضي بسيط+الفاعل
He has just owned up his crime. ( ago ) -
He owned up his crime a moment ago.-
6- إذا طلب منك استخدام ( since ) بدلا من ( when ) عليك بالقاعدة التالية :

EX. We last saw him when he was 5 years old. ( since)
We haven’t seen him since he was 5 years old.

7- إذا طلب منك استخدام (s’It) بدلا من ( for ) أو( since ) عليك بالقاعدة التالية :

EX. I haven’t visited the country for a long time.( It’s )
It’s a long time since I visited the country.
EX. He hasn’t played football since 2000. (It’s))
It’s 5 years since he played football.
8- إذا طلب منك استخدام ( ever) مكان (never ) عليك بالقاعدة التالية:
It is the first time الفاعل+ + have / has + ever + p.p ………..

Ex: He has never played speedball before. ( ever )
- It is the first time he has ever played speedball.
Present Perfect Continuous المضارع التام المستمر
Have / Has+ been +v. + ing يتكون من :-
1- يعبر عن نشاط بدأ فى الماضى ويستمر فى الحاضر ( أي أن الشخص ما زال فى منتصف العمل – أو أن العمل لم ينته بعد )

 -We have been studying English since 1999.
 - She has been sleeping for ten hours now.
 - He has been waiting for two hours and he is still waiting.
 - He has been playing all day long.
 - She has been cleaning the house since 7.30 she hasn’t finished yet.
 - How long have you been learning English?

2- يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع الأفعال التي تستغرق وقت طويل مثل :
Wait, live, work, travel, read, sleep, stay, mend, swim, stand,…..
3- لاستخدم زمن المضارع التام المستمر مع الأفعال التي تعبر عن المشاعر / الإدراك / التملك…
يفترض suppose يحب love يتوقع expect يعجب بـ admire
يعتقد think يعنى / يقصد mean يشعر بـ feel يوافق agree
يفهم understand يحتاج need يكره hate يؤمن believe
يريد want يفضل prefer يعرف know ينتمي belong to
يتمنى wish يدرك realize يحب like لا يوافق disagree

الفرق بين زمن المضارع التام والتام المستمر

 يهتم المضارع التام البسيط بنتيجة الحدث .
 I have written six post cards.
 كتبت ستة بطاقات بريدية ( هنا نهتم بالنتيجة وهى كتابة البطاقات الستة )
 أما المضارع التام المستمر فإنه يركز على الحدث نفسه وليس نتيجة.
 I have been writing post cards all morning.
 هنا نركز على فعل الكتابة وليس ما انتهت إليه الكتابة.

Deduction الاستنتاج
Present مضارع Past ماضي
Must be OR any verb = I’m sure أكيد Must have been = I’m sure
Can’t be = I’m sure…. not مستحيل Can’t have been = I’m sure….not
May be = Perhaps / I’m not sure ربما May have been = Perhaps/I’m not sure
Might be = I don’t know لا أعرف Might have been = I don’t know

It’s necessary عن الضرورة والالزام وهى تساوى ( Must-have to ) ممكن أن تعبر *
( It was necessary وهي تساوي ( ( Had to) والماضى منها
 It’s necessary for him to respect his teachers. ( must / has to )
= He must / has to respect his teachers.
* She was on the plane that crashed. She must have died.
ماورد في امتحانات سابقة
1- Someone said that he had seen Sami at school, but Sami was in Alexandria. ( Sami can’t…) ( 2002 )
2- My friend Noha was ill . She did not go to school. ( can’t have )( 2003 )
3- I’m sure he didn’t study hard. ( couldn’t ) (2004 )

Active and passive voice

Tenses الأزمنة Active
شكل الزمن في المبني للمعـلوم. Passive
شكل الزمن في المبني للمجهول
The Present Simple
مضارع بسيط يتكون من التصريف الأول للفعل مضافاً إليه (ies/es/s) للمفرد الغائب:
(He, she, it) ( وما يحل محلهم. I am
He,she,it is +(P.P)
We,you,they are
- The government builds some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools are built by the government. (Passive)
The past simple
الماضي البسيط يتكون من التصريف الثاني للفعل معظم الأفعال ينتهي بـ (ied,ed,d) والباقي شاذ يجب أن يحفظ . I, he,she,it was + P.P
we,you,they were + P.P
- The government built some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools were built by the government. (Passive)
Future simple & defective verbs

المستقبل البسيط يتكون من will+inf.)) أو أي فـعـل ناقص آخر .
can – could / may might/ shall – should /will – would / must / ought to / have to / has to / had to / will have to / going to. will / would
can / could
may / might
shall/ should
must/had to +be+P.P
must / had to
ought to/have to
will have to
- The government will build some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools will be built by the government. (Passive)
The present continuous
زمن المضارع المستمر يتكون من:
is + V + ing
is + being + P.P
- The government is building some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools are being built by the government. (Passive)
The past continuos
زمــــن الماضـــي المستمـــــر يتكون من:
+ V + ing
+ being + P.P
- The government was building some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools were being built by the government. (Passive)
The present perfect
زمن المضارع التام يتكون من:

+ P.P
I,we,you,they have
+ been + P.P
he,she,it has
- The government has built some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools have been built by the government. (Passive)
The past perfect
الماضي التام يتكون من:

had + P.P

had + been + P.P

- The government had built some new schools. (Active)

Some new schools had been built by the government. (Passive)

1- My aunt gave a camera for my birthday. ( I received)
- I received a camera from my aunt for my birthday. ( I was / A camera)
- I was given a camera by my aunt for my birthday.
- A camera was given to me by my aunt for my birthday.
2- Doctors test athletes regularly for drugs, nowadays. (Athletes)
- Athletes are regularly tested for drugs, nowadays.
3- They dug a well to get water. (was)
- A well was dug to get water.
4- Mona was cleaning the house when I arrived. (The house)
- The house was being cleaned by Mona when I arrived.
5- The secretary has just finished these reports. (have)
- These reports have just been finished by Reda.
بعض الملاحظات الهامة:

1- إذا كان فاعـل لجملة المبنية للمعـلوم (Nobody / No-one) لا يذكر عند التحويل مع نفي الفعـل المساعـد.
- No-one answered the question: The question wasn’t answered.
2- في حالة وجود جملة منفية بـ نحذفها (didn’t) ونضع (wasn’t/weren’t) وإذا كانت منفية بـ (doesn’t/don’t) نحذفها ونضع (am not/is not/are not) والعكس صحيح .
- He didn’t repair the chair. The chair wasn’t repaired.
- What had been said wasn’t accepted. (We)
We didn’t accept what had been said.

4- الأفعال الآتية تحول بطريقتين

is - said,known,believed,supposed
It - reported,thought,alleged,claimed + that + جملة تامة was -understood,considered,expected

Ex: People think that cancer is fatal. ( It )
It is thought that cancer is fatal..
( الطريقــــــة الثانيـــــــــة )

is + inf. مصدر
الفاعـل are + P.P + to
was + have + P.P

Ex: - Cancer is thought to be fatal.
Ex: - He said that Adel had stolen the money. (It was alleged)
* It was alleged that Adel had stolen the money. (الطريقة الأولي)
* Adel was alleged to have stolen the money. ( الطريقة الثانية)
ما ورد في امتحانات سابقة:
1- People admired the man for his courage. ( by ) 2002
2- In the coming years, we will do most of our shopping on the Internet. (..be..) 2002
3- He has seen the men who robbed the bank. ( have been ) 2003
4- She will have finished her work by eight o’clock pm. ( have been ) 2003
5- Adel will severely be punished for his bad manners. ( Mother ) 2004
6- My mother gave me a gold ring for my birthday. ( received ) 2003
7- The customs officials search our luggage carefully. ( Our luggage ) 2004

روابط تربط حدثين أو أكثر يحدثون في نفس الوقت
At this stage في هذه المرحلة At the same time في نفس الوقت
As this happens بينما يحدث هذا Simultaneously معا في نفس الوقت
1- Beat the eggs together and at this stage add the sugar.
2- She was studying and listening to soft music at the same time.

This = That These = Those
تشير الي كلمة واحدة أو جملة تشير الي الجمع
1- I received a loan from the bank. This helped me a lot.
2- The hotel is very near. This means we needn’t take a taxi.
3- I’ll give you some books. These will help you.

تغيير الجمل لاضافة التأكيد

* The airline’s check in takes so long . That annoys me.
The thing that really annoys me is that this airline’s check in takes so long.
وتستخدم هذه الظروف المنتهي بــ ly بدلا من very لإضافة قوة أكبر لمعني الجملة

Fantastically بصورة هائلة Tremendously بصورة هائلة
Extremely بصورة كبيرة Terribly بصورة فظيعة
Terrifically بصورة فظيعة Really حقيقة ( بالفعل)
Awfully بصورة فظيعة Totally تماما – كلية
Completely تماماً Absolutely مطلقا
incredibly بصورة لا يمكن تصديقها thoroughly تماما
* The duck runs terribly slowly. I have been awfully worried about the exams.
تستخدم (such a - an ) لإضافة المزيد من التأكيد للجملة .

* Samah is such a clever girl. * It’s such an exciting film.

بعض الأفعال والاسماء بها اختلاف طفيف في الهجاء

Noun Meaning Verb Meaning
Belief إعتقاد Believe يؤمن – يعتقد
Proof برهان Prove يبرهن
Shelf رف Shelve يضع علي الرف
cloth قماش clothe يلبس- يكسو
advice نصيحة advise ينصح
practice ممارسة / تدريب practise يمارس / يتدرب

كيفية تحويل الإسم الى فعل و العكس
Verbs Nouns Verbs Nouns
celebrate hold / make a celebration decide make / take a decision
demonstrate hold / lead demonstrations discover make a discovery
admire have / show admiration suggest make a suggestion
describe give / write a description sacrifice make sacrifices
explain give an explanation extend make an extension
solve give / find a solution to contribute make contributions
permit give permission to mistake make a mistake
warn give a warning to promise make a promise
dust do dusting search make a search
shop do shopping save make savings
sweep do sweeping threaten bring a threat to
research do research on breathe take a breath
manufacture do manufacturing starve die of starvation
design do the designing agree get an agreement on
practise do practice punish receive / deserve punishment
Ex:- He suggested studying hard for the exam. ( suggestion )
* He made a suggestion to study hard for the exam.
* His suggestion was to study hard for the exam.

شكل المستقبل فى صيغة المبنى للمعلوم و المبني للمجهول من :-
Future Simple المستقبل البسيط Future Perfectالمستقبل التام
Activeمعلوم Passiveمجهول Activeمعلوم Passiveمجهول
Will + inf Will + be + PP Will have + PP Will have been + PP
Am / Is / Are + Going to + inf( Active) Am/Is /Are+ Going to + be + PP(Passive)

Ex:- The manager will inform me of the company’s decision. ( I )
* I will be informed of the company’s decision.
Ex:- By 2020 homes and industry will have used solar energy. ( Solar energy)
* Solar energy will have been used in homes and industry.
Ex:- They are going to change the date of the meeting. ( …….be……)
* The date of the meeting is going to be changed.
أفعال يليها بعدها to والمصدر فقط
Agree to يوافق Demand to يطلب Long to يشتاق Promise to يوعد
Arrange to يرتب Deserve to يستحق Manage to يتمكن من Refuse to يرفض
Attempt to يحاول Expect to يتوقع Mean to يعنى Threaten to يهدد
Dare to يجرؤ Hope to يأمل Offer to يعرض Want to يريد
Decide to يقرر Learn to يتعلم Pretend to يتظاهر Wish to يتمنى

أفعال يأتى بعدها (Gerund ( الفعل + ing
Enjoy يستمتع Prevent يمنع Go on يستمر Mind يمانع
Avoid يتجنب Suggest يقترح Put off يؤجل Give up يقلع عن
Deny ينكر Risk يخاطر Fancy يتخيل Dislike لا يحب
Delay يؤجل Practise يمارس Miss يفقد I can’t / couldn’t help
لا أستطيع أن أمنع نفسى من
Finish ينتهى Imagine يتخيل Keep(on) يظل،يبقى
Admit يعترف Recommend يوصى I can’t stand
لا أ طيق / لا أتحمل
Go يذهب Come يأتى

أفعال يأتى بعدها الفعل + ing ( Gerund) أو to والمصدر مع تغيير( اختلاف) طفيف فى المعنى .
Begin يبدأ Continue يستمر Like يحب Hate يكره
start يبدأ prefer يفضل love يحب Can’t bear لا يستطيع أن يتحمل
إذا جاء بعد هذه الأفعال to والمصدر فإنها تشير الى مناسبة معينة
– واذا جاء بعدها الفعل + ing فانها تشير الى فكرة عامة :
* I like swimming. ( In general ) * I like to swim. It’s fine now. ( Just now )
Regret / Remember / Forget To + inf الحدث لم يتم ولكن قد يحدث مستقبلا
Regret / Remember / Forget V + ing الحدث تم بالفعل والجملة تشير الى الماضي

If only = Wish ليت / أتمنى

1- إذا كانت الأمنية تتعلق بالمستقبل نستخدم ( would / could + inf )
Ex:- I wish I = If only I could join the Faculty of Medicine.
2- إذا كانت أمنية تتعلق بالمضارع نستخدم زمن الماضى البسيط.
Ex:- We wish the weather were fine today.
* لاحظ أن (were ) تستخدم مع جميع الضمائر.
3- إذا كانت الأمنية تتعلق بالماضى نستخدم زمن الماضى التامHad + P.P) )
Ex:- They wish they had seen us yesterday.

لاحظ الأفكار الأتية جيدا:-
1- I do regret not telling him the truth. ( If only )
* If only I had told him the truth.
2- She regrets marrying a police officer. ( She wished )
* She wished she hadn’t married a police officer.
3- Her dearest hope is to join the Faculty of Arts. ( If only )
* If only she would join the Faculty of Arts.

Study the following carefully :- ادرس ما يلي جيداً

 She is capable of answering all the questions. (can / to )
 Our teacher can solve the problem easily. (able / capable)

 He was able to leave l raq before the war. ( could / ability )
 She should be able to prepare a simple meal. (ability)

 We can increase production by using modern tools. (enable)
 The mouse enables you to move around the screen. (moving)

Ought to
You should + inf = You had better + inf / It’s a good idea to inf. يجب أن

You shouldn’t + inf = You had better not + inf لا يجب أن
Oughtn’t to

 You shouldn’t go out in this cold weather without a coat. (better not)
 I think you should do your H.W. before watching T.V. ( better )
 You should make a study plan to organize your work. (advisable) (good idea)

Borrow…….. fromيستلف من X Lend…….. toيسلف لـ
Could I borrow your……? = Could you lend me……?

 Noha lent her dress to Mai. (borrow)
 Could I borrow your camera ? (lend / Do you mind if …?)

 I don’t like going to the cinema very much. (stand) (keen).
 I am very keen on reading police stories. (like).

 My brother was smoking heavily, but he is no longer. (used)

 When I was a child, I made a sand castle on the beach. (used)
 It’s no problem for her to wear a scarf. (used)

 A camera is used for taking photographs. ( We / take )
 We use the thermometer to measure temperature. ( used for ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 The function of the tripod is to support equipment. ( We / used to / used for )

* Why don’t we phone Mai and ask her to come with us ? (Let’s / How)

A list of irregular verbs قائمة ببعض الأفعال الشاذة

Meaning Present Past P . P Meaning Present Past P . P
يأتي come came come يعني mean meant meant
يصبح become became become يصنع make made made
يذهب go went gone يدفع pay paid paid
يفعل do did done يقول say said said
يسقط fall fell fallen يقرأ read read read
يأخذ take took taken يقابل meet met met
يأكل eat ate eaten يضئ light lit lit
يتكلم speak spoke spoken ينام sleep slept slept
يعطي give gave given يبني build built built
يكتب write wrote written يشعر feel felt felt
يختار choose chose chosen يشم smell smelt smelt
تشرق rise rose risen يحفظ keep kept kept
يركب ride rode ridden يفقد lose lost lost
يقود drive drove driven يغادر leave left left
يكسر break broke broken يرسل send sent sent
يمنع forbid forbade forbidden يقرض lend lent lent
ينسي forget forgot forgotten يفكر think thought thought
يسرق steal stole stolen يمسك catch caught caught
يطير fly flew flown يشتري buy bought bought
يضع set set set يحارب fight fought fought
يقطع cut cut cut يعلق hang hung hung
يضرب hit hit hit يشنق hang hanged hanged
يسمح بـ let let let يجد find found found
يحصل get got got يتعلم learn learnt learnt
يضع put put put يسمع hear heard heard
يخير tell told told يغني sing sang sung
يبيع sell sold sold يرن/يتصل ring rang rung
ياتصق stick stuck stuck يعوم swim swam swum
يضرب strike struck struck يبدأ begin began begun
يجري run ran run يشرب drink drank drunk
يفوز win won won يري see saw seen
تلد bear bore born ينمو grow grew grown
يتحمل bear bore borne يرسم draw drew drawn
يعرض show showed shown يرتدي wear wore worn
يقف stand stood stood يعرف know knew known
Important Verbs:-
يكذب lie ( to ) lied lied lying
يرقد / تقع / يضطجع lie lay lain lying
تعدَ / يضع / تبيض lay laid laid laying
Functions وظائف الاشياء
1- The function of the thermometer is to measure temperature.
2- The function of the tripod is to support equipment.
3- The function of the test tube is to hold chemicals during experiments.
4- The function of the microscope is to look at very small things.
5- The function of the telescope is to look at very far away things.
6- The function of the stethoscope is to listen to the sound of heartbeat.
7- The function of the Bunsen burner is to supply heat.
8- The function of the funnel is to help pour liquids.
9- The function of the root is to hold the tree securely in the ground and to transport water and mineral salts from the ground to all parts of the tree.
10-The function of the bark is to protect the living part of the tree.
11- The function of the trunk is to support the branches.
12- The function of the branches is to support the leaves.
13- The function of the leaves is to make food for the tree.
14- The function of the borer is to make holes.
15- The function of the heart is to pump blood around the body.
16- The function of the teeth is to chew food.
ما ورد في امتحانات سابقة
1- The heart pumps blood around the body. ( function ) ( 2001 )
2- We use a microscope to look at very small things. ( function/ used )

أسئلة دليل التقويم واجاباتها النموذجية

Choose the right answer from a, b, c, or d :
1- Dr Aisha Abdel Rahman …………… many teaching posts.
a) received b) handed c) held d) took
2- One of the…..Dr. Aisha had on society is writing about women in the Holy Quran.
a) effects b) effective c) affection d) affects
3- We gave a party for the newly married …………… .
a) two b) double c) couple d) pair
4- We are …………… going to America.
a) considering b) thinking c) examining d) seeing
5- We shall be …………… to accept your kind invitation.
a) cheerful b) happy c) happily d) cheering
6- Dr. Aisha was …………… of completing a BA at Cairo University.
a) able b) enable c) capable d) cheering
7- I wish they …………… make such noise again.
a) couldn’t b) wouldn’t c) shouldn’t d) weren’t
8- Dr. Aisha wrote ………a pen name because of the traditions she was brought up in.
a) down b) under c) beneath d) below
9- I don’t like these shoes …………… they fit me.
a) even though b) since c) when d) because
10- I’m sorry, I have been trying to …………… you for days.
a) contain b) contact c) contest d) contend
11- Some people …. that the temperature would reach 45 degrees today.
a) predominated b) prompted c) predated d) predicted
12- …………… phones could be used to find your stolen car.
a) Mobilization b) Mobilizing c) Mobilized d) Mobile
13- I like to watch …………… films.
a) historic b) historical c) history d) historian
14- I won’t be able to realize the …………… of the situation.
a) gravy b) gravitate c) gravitational d) gravity=danger
15- I’m not going to be drawn …………… this argument.
a) out of b) up c) into d) on
16- My father managed to …………… his profits over the last year.
a) couple b) double c) twice d) twin
17- It’s 6 o’clock. If you don’t hurry, you’ll …………. the 6’oclock to Alex.
a) losen b) lose c) miss d) forget
18- Father always …………… me to work harder.
a) recommends b) says c) remarks d) advises
19- This tourist wants to know how long …….. to go to the Egyptian Museum.
a) will it take b) does it take c) it is taking d) it takes
20- We all enjoyed Salwa’s birthday party yesterday. I wish you ……. with us.
a) would be b) had been c) could be d) were
21- I’d like to become a space ship pilot, so that I ….. able to travel faster than sound.
a) was b) had been c) would be d) shall be
22- I …………… for you at the hotel at midday tomorrow.
a)shall be waiting b) was waiting c) had waited d) waited
23- Who will take …………… from Mr.El Hegazy when he retires ?
a) out b) off c) over d) away
24- I can’t put it …………… any longer, I must talk to him about it.
a) off b) in c) on d) up
25- My mother folded the towels and put them …………. in the cupboard.
a) down b) off c) forward d) away
26- When you got to sleep, put the lights …………… please.
a) down b) off c) out d) away
27- …………… of our students walk to school.
a) Almost b) Most c) Mostly d) Themost
28- Several plans in Toshka are …………… discussion.
a) down b) beneath c) below d) under
29- My friend Khalid likes working …………… old cars.
a) up b) on c) for d) out
30- If I had money I …………… a new car.
a) would have bought b) would buy c) will buy d) buy
31- The beauty of the …………… eclipse is amazing.
a) moon b) sun c) earth d) lunar
32- The …….. is an Australian animal that moves buy jumping on its back legs.
a) rabbit b) lion c) giraffe d) kangaroo
33- I’d have told him the whole story, if I …………… him.
a) found b) find c) had found d) was finding
34- She is clever …………… drawing.
a) in b) on c) for d) at
35- I’m looking forward …………… getting high marks.
a) for b) at c) to d) of
36- I’ll go out …………… it is raining.
a) in case of b) even c) even if d) if
37- He would never let anybody know what …………… .
a) was he doing b) he was doing c) had he done d) will he do
38- …………… Khalid back yet ?
a) Is b) Was c) Has d) Did
39- I …………… who to invite.
a) astonish b) surprise c) wonder d) amaze
40- …………… when you want.
a) Have come b) Will come c) Came d) Come
41- I was too tired to have the …………… to get out of bed.
a) engagement b) energetic c) energy d) engine
42- …………… is not based on action.
a) Predictable b) Predictable c) Predicted d) Prediction
43- I …………… shocked by her attitude.
a) will be b) have c) had d) was
44- We …………… worried about her silence.
a) are being b) will be c) were d) had
45- …………… I didn’t understand a word, I kept smiling.
a) Although b) Because c) Since d) As
46- You’re …………… to start work at 8.30 every morning.
a) substituted b) subdecided c) suggested d) supposed
47- Let’s go …………… next weekend.
a) climbing b) climbed c) climb d) climbs
48- He got …………… the house through the window.
a) to b) through c) into d) up
49- If I got rich, I …………… round the world.
a)would have travelled b) will travel c) ‘d travlled d) ‘d travel
50- January 1st 1973 is a ….... date as Britain joined the Common Market.
a) historic b) history c) historical d) historian
51- I tried to make …………… the time I lost while I was ill.
a) up b) for c) up for d) of
52- We couldn’t catch the thief, though we ran …………… him.
a) to b) after c) beyond d) away
53- What a beautiful ring ! It’s made …………… gold.
a) up b) in c) of d) at
54- She told her friend that she would gladly help her, if she ....... her to do that.
a) had wanted b) wants c) wanted d) want
55- The official I …………… to, explained the whole problem.
a) wondered b) told c) said d) spoke
56- Although the menu is written in simple English I don’t ......... those dishes.
a) understand b) recognize c) observe d) read
57- I borrowed my brother’s watch while mine …………… .
a) was being repaired b)was repaired c) repaired d) is repaired
58- The expert .... the painting carefully and then said it was not original.
a) investigated b) examined c) saw d) watched
59- The first …………… of years were really tough.
a) two b) second c) couple d) twins
60- After the interview, she got a …as the a private secretary to the company director.
a) profession b) task c) job d) work
61- I …………… a long holiday after hard work.
a) recommend b) order c) advise d) preach
62- Can you …………… the driver how to drive ?
a) speak b) talk c) tell d) say
63- Dr. Aisha was very successful …………… school.
a) in b) for c) of d) at
64- The …………… of my bedroom is made of wood.
a) ground b) earth c) land d) floor
65- He …………… letters for three hours now.
a)has been writing b) is writing c) wrote d) writes
66- I couldn’t understand what the teacher said because he spoke very.…….
a) the fastest b) fastest c) fast d) faster
67- The procession of the President came into ……..
a) site b) sight c) vision d) viewpoint
68- She wishes she ……. in my place.
a) is b) sits c) has come d) were
69- My sister can’t speak French and I can’t ………
a) too b) neither c) also d) either
70- The bark of a tree is a ….. outer layer of the trunk.
a) tough b) toughen c) touchy d) touching
71- The ……… of the annual rings varies from year to year.
a) wide b) widening c)width d) widened
72- The …… main function of the root system is to hold the tree securely in the ground.
a) another b) others c) otherwise d) other
73- There is still nowadays in some countries ………….. superstition.
a) few b) many c) a lot of d) a number of
74- The car our neighbour bought, is one of the……….expensive cars in our country.
a) more b) most c) very d) much
75- At last the train ………….. in the distance.
a) appeared b) look c) seemed d) viewed
76- The farmer …………… his farm into two parts.
a) shared b) tunnelled c) carved d) divided
77- He didn’t meet………..
a) someone b) nobody c) no one d) anybody
78- She spends …… of her time travelling.
a) most b) the most c) the more d) almost
79- Can you ……….. the difference between the two languages ?
a) tell b) do c) make d) day
80- It ………. like ages since we last met .
a) appears b) seems c) shows d) looks
81- ………….. that you should come in time tomorrow.
a) Look b) Recognize c) Observe d) See
82- It’s no …… trying to do that again.
a) used to b) used for c) use=good d) using to
83- You got good ………… for your money.
a) value b) antiques c) valuables d) valuable
84- I wish the weather …… better now.
a) is b) had been c) were d) would
85- If only I ……… near you.
a) live b) am living c) have lived d) lived
86- Are you ………. about the number 13 ?
a) superstitious b) supersede c) supervise d) superstar
87- ……… is to believe that particular actions or objects are lucky or unlucky.
a) Supervision b) Superstore c) Superstition d) Supersonic
88- Flood victims had to fight for…………
a) survivor b) supervise c) survey d) survival
89- Lack of experience can’t ………against you when you are looking for a job.
a) behave b) do c) perform d) work
90- ……….. on old clocks is my favourite hobby.
a) Performing b) Practising c) Working d) Doing
91- There is no need to …… worried, everything will be worked out in the end.
a) do b) make c) get d) work
92- Don’t ….. yourself up over such a trivial matter.
a) work b) perform c) practise d) worse
93- The police came last night and ……… the thieves away.
a) arrested b) captured c) imprisoned d) took
94- This child is very intelligent, he takes ……. his father.
a) over b) away c) after d) place
95- The ……… is the government department that controls a country’s money.
a) treasure b) treasurer c) treasured d) treasury
96- Shoubra Metro went into the ……underneath the Nile.
a) tunnel b) hole c) trench d) cavity
97- The …… board, is the part facing the driver at the front of a car with controls and equipment to show speed and temperature.
a) dashing b) desk c) dish d) dash
98- A ……… is an area of high, steep rocks beside the sea.
a) cliff b) gulf c) canal d) bay
99- Many Israeli soldiers were …… by the Egyptian army on 6th October, 1973.
a) captured b) captivated c) attracted d) fascinated
100- It is not allowed to …….. your initials into the tree.
a) coin b) cut c) carve d) dig
101- The Arab League was first set …… in Cairo in 1944.
a) forth b) down c) up d) in
102- The Chain of Hope is a European ……. which helps children who suffer from heart diseases.
a) school b) institute c) society d) organisation
103- Sir Magdi Yacoub was awarded his title by the Queen of …….
a) Holand b) Spain c) England d) Jordan
104- Medecins du Monde in France ………. information from doctors who know the children who need help.
a) collect b) collects c) collecting d) to collect
105- It’s a very hard job to get a child from a … village to a hospital in Europe.
a) near b) crowded c) remote d) populated
106- The host families ….. the children before and after their operations.
a) look down b) look after c) look for d) look at
107- When children get love and affection, they soon begin to..what’s going on.
a) understand b) undertake c) underscore d) underrate
108- If fawzia hadn’t received treatment she …….. the age of 20.
a) would reach b) wouldn’t reach
c) wouldn’t have reached d) would have reached
109- Western classical music is still enjoyed today by audiences from different……..
a) authorities b) powers c) worlds d) cultures
110- Folk music is the music of …… communities.
a) lower b) higher c) local d) worldwide
111- Umm Kalthoum is a famous singer ………… songs are still enjoyed all over the Arab World.
a) which b) that c) who d) whose
112- Over the years, most folk songs have been made up to help people get ……. their work.
a) into b) up c) through d) out of
113- Sayed Darwish learned the classical music of the 19th century, which he …… in a way that reflected Egyptian culture.
a) to improvise b) improvises c) improvised d) improvising
114- Pop music is preformed in most languages, but, by and large most pop songs are in English. By and large here means ….. speaking.
a) finally b) generally c) directly d) easily
115- Written music is ……….. written language.
a) similar to b) the same as c) not similar to d)exactly the same as
116- Here again you can see similarities …….. language and music.
a) without b) among c) within d) between
117- In March 1919 five hundred women held a….against the British authorities
a)demonstration b)collaboration c) revolution d)nationalization
118- Saad Zaghlul had been sent into exile from Egypt to ………
a) Cyprus b) Malta c) Ireland d) Cicely
119- Not only did Safiya ………… in marches but also she kept the home of Saad Zaghlul open for meetings.
a) took part b) taken part c) had taken d) take part
120- Emmeline Pankhurst and her eldest daughter worked hard in order to ……… the right to vote for women.
a) win b) gain c) collect d) gather
121- When some political leaders are sent to prison they …….. to eat.
a) accept b) allow c) refuse d) agree
122- In 1914 war broke ……… between Britain and Germany.
a) in b) down c) up d) out
123- When Teresa went to Calcutta she …by the sight of homeless poor people.
a) is shocking b)was shocking c) was shocked d) is shocked
124- Mother Teresa was ………….. the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her services to humanity.
a) awarded b) sent c)bought d) given
125- You haven’t read Unit 15 yet, ……… you?
a) have b) has c) having d) had
126- A shuttle needs power ….. to 140 jumbo jets to be taken into space.
a) moderate b) prevalent c) equivalent d) complacent
127- Space is everything and everywhere outside the Earth’s ……
a) crust b) surface c) mantle d) atmosphere
128- When the plane fell into the sea the engines were ……. by divers.
a) recovered b) to recover c) recover d) recovering
129- The space travellers felt massive kicks in their backs as the engines……
a) reared b) travelled c) floated d) accelerated
130- We already use ……… in space for communications and the remote sensing of underground oil and water.
a) planes b) satellites c) the sun d) other planets
131- Asteroids in outer space are small planets that circle ……….
a) the earth b) the moon c) the sun d) other planets
132- An asteroid hitting the Earth is a/an …. danger.
a) predictable b)unpredictable c) countable d) uncountable
133- Scientists can knock and asteroid … by setting an explosion near it.
a) of course b) off course c) off beat d) off hand
134- …. can see asteroids that seem to be coming dangerously close to earth.
a) Astrologers b)Astronomers c) Drummers d) Drivers
135- Every planet in the solar system has its own ……. around the sun.
a) orbit b) way c) road d) pathway
136- Not until the engines cut out that the ……. know that they were in space.
a) astronomers b) astrologers c) astronauts d) asteroids
137- A ……….. can travel into space and return to Earth more than once.
a) glider b) plane c) rocket d) shuttle
138- The hurricane ………….. havoc on the small tropical island.
a) reasoned b) negotiated c) caused d) discussed
139- A glider is a type of plane that can ……. without an engine
a) fly b) flew c) flying d) flown
140- The naughty pupil was blamed … the disturbances he caused in the class.
a) on b) at c) for d) at
141- Amina El Saeed started her career as a ……….. journalist writing for many different magazines.
a) freeholder b) freehand c) freeloader d) freelance
142- Throughout her career, Amina El Saeed ….. in defense of women’s rights.
a) wrote b) writes c) writing d) written
143- When I visited my friend I saw that his room was full of …….that he didn’t need.
a) odd and beginnings b)odds and ends c) odd man out d) odd and even.
144- Today mass ……… makes it easy for most people to enjoy their own country’s music besides that of other cultures.
a) qualification b)transportation c)communication d) preparation
145- In many parts of the world, including the Arab World, music has ………… Ever been written down.
a) completely b) hardly c) lately d) totally
146- Now, we already use satellites for the remote ……of underground oil and water.
a) control b) villages c) feeling d) sensing
147- The reeds of papyrus are ……… so that they stick together.
a) soaks b) soaking c) soaked d) soak
148- It is…….. the rules to smoke in hospitals.
a) around b) above c) opposite d) against
149- Multi national companies need …….. in many countries.
a)representatives b) actors c) candidates d) voters
150- A good way to continue my education is to ……… information with colleagues and other people who are interested in my subject.
a) exclude b) exclaim c) exchange d) excavate
151- Papyrus is made from a ……which grows in certain areas of the Nile.
a) reed b) tree c) bush d) flower
152- Arab travellers learned …….. to make paper from the Chinese.
a) what b) how c) which d) who
153- At first paper was very …..because it was made from cotton or linen.
a) active b) positive c) expensive d) passive
154- The sun, the wind and the water provide us with new and …. energy.
a) portable b) disposable c) plausible d) renewable
155- When the logs ………. at the paper mill, the bark is removed.
a) get b) arrive c) reach d) begin
156- Logs are....between heavy rollers to break down the wood into small chips.
a) grind b) grinds c) ground d) to grind
157- …….. is formed when chips are cooked and chemicals are added.
a) Pulp b) Soup c) Syrup d) Mixture
158- In the paper-making machine some of the water is ……..off the wet fibers.
a) draining b) drains c) drain d) drained
159- When the paper comes out of the machine, it is cut to …..
a) weight b) size c) number d) colour
160- A/An ……….is a set of books which deal with every branch of human knowledge.
a) encyclopedia b) diary c) biography d)autobiography
161- A printed sheet that is …… into 16 pages is called a signature.
a) folds b) folding c) to fold d) folded
162- CD-Roms don’t …….. much space. This is a good thing.
a) keep up b) take up c) warm up d) speak up
163- In our school library books are ……. on clean shelves.
a) keep b) keeping c) keeps d) kept
164- The first step in making glass is mixing the ……..
a) ingredients b) formations c) mixture d) structure
165- In order to …… papyrus you can use a piece of ivory or a small shell.
a) polishing b) polishes c) polished d) polish
166- When the pulp goes under heavy rollers the ……are squeezed tightly together.
a) metal sheets b) wood fibers c) cotton reels d) string bobbin
167- A ……Is a group of people who live in the same country and share the same law.
a) cooperative b) committee c) society d) team
168- On the 2nd of July there was a festival at which great figures of art and literature were……..
a) honoured b) honour c) honours d) honouring
169- Your ….. are your forefathers who lived a long time before you.
a) leaders b) judges c) employers d) ancestors
170- Spring is a flourishing season. Farmers usually ……..their crops in spring.
a) harvested b) harvest c) harvesting d)to harvest
171- Some people believe that meeting a black cat is an unlucky event. This is a……..
a) legend b) story c) superstition d) mystery
172- If you repay your ………quickly , you will not have to pay any additional interest.
a) debt b) wages c) salary d) sale
173- In February thousands of the Japanese go to ………….. the many beautiful show and ice sculptures.
a) wonder b)worry c) admire d) honour
174- The Sphinx and the statue of Liberty are famous …in Egypt and the U.S.A.
a) landmines b) landmarks c) landlords d)landslides
175- The ……important day of the year for the Chinese is their New year’s Day.
a) least b) less c) most d) fewest
176- It’s thought that if you cry on New Year’s Day, you will cry all ……the year.
a) through b) over c) above d) across
177- In China, children are not punished on New Year’s for ……they have done.
a) however b) whoever c) whichever d) whatever
178- In the U.S.A the Americans still …………… Thanks Giving Day with a meal which still includes turkey.
a) celebrate b) celebrated c) celebrating d) celebrate
179- Ramadan is one of the most important …….festivals in Egypt.
a) religious b) superstitious c) fictitious d) suspicious
180- The first English settlers who sailed to America were …….……. with little knowledge about farming.
a) religious b) towns-people c) nomads d) tribes
181- Ramadan takes ……. in the 9th month of the Muslim calendar.
a) down b) after c) up d) place
182- Sham El-Nessim is a day ……… marks the beginning of spring.
a) who b) whom c) which d) whose
183- A…….. is an area of hot dry land where a few plants can grow.
a) valley b) beach c) desert d) lawn
184- Gaugin, a famous French painter, …… his country to paint in Tahiti.
a) to desert b) deserted c) deserting d) desert
185- ……. is a Christian holiday which celebrates the birth of Christ.
a) Christmas b) Birthday c) Wedding d) Easter
186- Sometimes, companies accept candidates with no ……………. and give them full training later.
a) experiment b) experience c) expression d) explanation
187- Good …….. of English is an important qualification for candidates .
a) order b) conduct c) singing d) command
188-No sooner had Ali read the advertisement than he applied …the job.
a) at b) into c)to d)for
189- I feel sick. I ……. have eaten so much jelly.
a) should b) shouldn’t c) won’t d) shall
190- Our teacher of English is ….helpful, He gives us varied examples and exercises.
a) extremist b) extremely c) extreme d) extremism
191- In order to confirm an appointment I say, I ……. on Monday.
a) come b) look forward to meeting you
c) am expecting to see you d) will come later
192- The pupil said he was …….. sorry to be late for school.
a) slightly b) easily c) hardly d) awfully
193- In the modern world, most young people must …………. to change employers several times in their working lives.
a) except b) accept c) expect d) exempt
194- Young people need to understand that learning must be …….
a) lifelong b)once and no more c) interrupted d) general
195- You are more likely to get promotion in your job if you …………. up with the knowledge and skills you need to do your job.
a) keeping b) to keep c) keeps d) keep
196- ………. is when teacher and student are in different places.
a) Distance learning b) Distant learning
c) Remote learning d) Face to face learning
197- In order to complete a certain job some employers employ staff on …. contracts.
a) long-term b) short-term c) lifelong d) daily
198- In order to get the essay written I had to work……..
a)around the clock b) clockwise c) antic lock wise d) clock round
199- When my family got the new house built we thought we could put…..
a) down our ideas b) up without neighbours
c) our feet up d) aside more money
200- To go on working for eighteen hours a day is ……….
a) a laughing subject b) an interesting job
c) no laughing matter d) no tiring job.
نموذج إجابة اسئلة دليل التقويم
1 (c) held 68 (d) were 135 (a) orbit
2 (a) effects 69 (d) either 136 (c) astronauts
3 (c) couple 70 (a) tough 137 (d) shuttle
4 (a) considering 71 (c) width 138 (c) caused
5 (b) happy 72 (d) other 139 (a) fly
6 (c) capable 73 (c) a lot of 140 (c) for
7 (b) wouldn’t 74 (b) most 141 (d) freelance
8 (b) under 75 (a) appeared 142 (a) wrote
9 (a) even though 76 (d) divided 143 (b) odds and ends
10 (b) contact 77 (d) anybody 144 (c)communication
11 (d) predicted 78 (a) most 145 (b) hardly
12 (d) Mobile 79 (a) tell 146 (d) sensing
13 (b) historical 80 (b) seems 147 (c) soaked
14 (d) gravity=danger 81 (c) Observe 148 (d) against
15 (c) into 82 (c) use/good 149 (a) representatives
16 (b) double 83 (a) value 150 (c) exchange
17 (c) miss 84 (c) were 151 (a) reed
18 (d) advises 85 (d) lived 152 (b) how
19 (d) it takes 86 (a) superstitious 153 (c) expensive
20 (b) had been 87 (c) Superstition 154 (d) renewable
21 (d) shall be 88 (d) survival 155 (b) arrive
22 (a) shall be waiting 89 (d) work 156 (c) ground
23 (c) over 90 (c) working 157 (a) Pulp
24 (a) off 91 (c) get 158 (d) drained
25 (d) away 92 (a) work 159 (b) size
26 (c) out 93 (d) took 160 (a) encyclopedia
27 (b) Most 94 (c) after 161 (d) folded
28 (d) under 95 (d) treasury 162 (b) take up
29 (b) on 96 (a) tunnel 163 (d) kept
30 (b) would buy 97 (d) dash 164 (a) ingredients
31 (d) lunar 98 (a) cliff 165 (d) polish
32 (d) kangaroo 99 (a) captured 166 (b) wood fibers
33 (c) had found 100 (c) carve 167 (c) society
34 (d) at 101 (c) up 168 (a) honoured
35 (c) to 102 (d) organisation 169 (d) ancestors
36 (c) even if 103 (c) England 170 (b) harvest
37 (b) he was doing 104 (b) collects 171 (c) superstition
38 (a) Is 105 (c) remote 172 (a) debt
39 (c) wonder 106 (b) look after 173 (c) admire
40 (d) Come 107 (a) understand 174 (b) landmarks
41 (c) energy 108 (c) wouldn’t have reached 175 (c) most
42 (d) Prediction 109 (d) cultures 176 (a) through

43 (d) was 110 (c) local 177 (d) whatever
44 (c) were 111 (d) whose 178 (a) celebrate
45 (a) Although 112 (c) through 179 (a) religious
46 (d) supposed 113 (c) improvised 180 (b) townspeople
47 (a) climbing 114 (b) generally 181 (d) place
48 (c) into 115 (a) similar to 182 (c) which
49 (d) I’d travel 116 (d) between 183 (c) desert
50 (a) historic 117 (a) demonstration 184 (b) deserted
51 (c) up for 118 (b) Malta 185 (a) Christmas
52 (b) after 119 (d) take part 186 (b) experience
53 (c)of 120 (a) win 187 (d) command
54 (c) wanted 121 (c) refuse 188 (d) for
55 (d) spoke 122 (d) out 189 (b) shouldn’t
56 (b) recognize 123 (c) was shocked 190 (b) extremely
57 (a) was being repaired 124 (a) awarded 191 (b) look forward to meeting you
58 (b) examined 125 (a) have 192 (d) awfully
59 (c) couple 126 (c) equivalent 193 (c) expect
60 (c) job 127 (d) atmosphere 194 (a) lifelong
61 (a) recommend 128 (a) recovered 195 (d) keep
62 (c) tell 129 (d) accelerated 196 (a) Distance learning
63 (d) at 130 (b) satellites 197 (b) short - term
64 (d) floor 131 (c) the sun 198 (a) around the clock
65 (a) has been writing 132 (a) predictable 199 (c) our feet up
66 (c) fast 133 (b) off course 200 (c)no laughing matter
67 (b) sight 134 (b) Astronomers
أسئلة دليل التقويم واجاباتها النموذجية
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words (s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The tourists are asking us many questions. (We)
2- I really regret ever starting that business. (supposed to)
3- I wish I were with my friends now. (should)
4- I think she will travel by train. ( opinion)
5- It’s a pity she couldn’t go to the wedding party. (wish)
6- I don’t think Tripoli is bigger than Cairo. (as ……. as)
7- All reports have been written. (The secretary)
8- He was very ill. That was why he didn’t attend the party. (If)
9- He isn’t tall enough to join the team. (If) (Were)
10- It’s time for us to leave. (We)
11- In 1939, a BA went to Dr Aisha. (awarded)
12- But for the rapid growth of population, there would be fewer housing problems. (If it)
13- The books written by Taha Hussien are being read everywhere. (Thousands of people)
14- I wondered how long they had followed me. (by) (been)
15- He was shot with a revolver. (The thief)
16- We were lent ten thousand pounds last year. (They)
17- By next Ramadan, that bridge will have been built. (Our government)
18- The criminal ought to be sentenced to death. (The judge / The court)
19- Who is going to be invited ? (invite)
20- No matter who telephones, say I’m out. (Whoever)
21- In case of bad weather, the match would be cancelled. (only… if)
22- Due to the bad weather, the match was cancelled. (if) (unless)
23- Since you refuse to co-operate, I shall be obliged to take legal advice. (Due to / Because of / Owing to )
24- I’m leaving because I’m fed up ! (as a result)
25- I see you as a basically kind person. (being)
26- Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning. (Although)
27- I only knew about her success after meeting her. (When)
28- In the event that she wins the prize, she will perhaps celebrate the event. (If)
29- Scientists have discovered a cure for cancer. (been / by )
30- I’m used to getting tired when I arrive / get home. (always)
31- It is believed that the film is very good. (The film) (supposed)
32- You suggest to meet your friend on Sunday. (Shall)
33- She arranged to go for a picnic on Friday. (going to)
34- You won’t leave until your car arrives. (When)
35- I’m not a doctor, I can’t help you. (If)
36- Has he answered all questions yet ? (Have)
37- First he left home. Then he visited his uncle. (As soon as )
38- Khalid is twenty years old and so is Sameer. (as ……. as )
39- In spite of being ill, he went to school. (even though) (even if )
40- You can’t travel to any country unless you have a passport. (as long as )
41- For travelling round the world, I should have a lot of money. (so as to )
42- The last time I ate fish was in Marsa Matrouh. (when / since)
43- I last saw her when we were in Alex. (since)
44- Despite being old, my grandfather still works on the farm. (Although)
45- I’ll give you a day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning (provided that / only . If )
46- I told him the reason for the crime only after finding the clue. (when)
47- You’ll be told in advance. (Your father)
48- Who is going to invite them ? (be)
49- His attitude shocked her. (She)
50- He is said to be famous in his own country. (People)
51- Astrologers predicted the future. (prediction)
52- How about going to the cafeteria. (Let’s)
53- On getting up next morning, he discovered that the tent was pulled down. ) ( as soon as )
54- The weather was so cold. We couldn’t stay outdoors. (too….. to )
55- He managed to solve the most difficult equation in no time. (succeeded…)
56- Having finished his computer programme, he logged on. (Hardly)
57- Many airlines around the world transport children free of charge. (Children )
58- Fawzia was taken to the doctor. He thought that there was something wrong with her heart. (who……)
59- The organisation helps children with heart disease. (suffer….)
60- Classical music is usually composed and played by professional musicians. (interested in )
61- The twentieth century has also seen the birth of jazz music in the U.S.A . (was born)
62- Without having to travel anywhere, you can become familiar with the cultures of other countries. (You needn’t ……. )
63- I don’t often read English newspapers. I read them occasionally.
(now and again)
64- Safiya Zaghlul took part in marches and demonstrations. She kept the home of saad Zaghlul open for the meetings of nationalist leaders.
(Not only……)
65- Nothing can prepare you for your first sight of the Earth. (unpredictable)
66- He usually comes late. (as usual)
67- “You might post some letters for me”, said my boss. (My boss asked)
68- The judge said, “Let’s not say anything about the murder till we hear the facts. (suggested……)
69- Samira got the job although she had no qualifications. (in spite of……)
70- I can’t imagine why you are so angry. (anger…. )
71- There were still several empty seats in the plane when I arrived. (The last)
72- You can’t work well. You’re very ill. (You’re too ill …..)
73- It’s difficult for me to believe her. (I’ve difficulty …..)
74- Salma can’t reach the top shelf. She isn’t tall enough. (Salma isn’t tall)
75- The thief, finally, told the police that he had stolen the car.
(Finally the thief admitted……)
76- Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities. (differ…..)
77- Our class has been made over into a workshop. (no longer….)
78- My daughter is sorry because she lost her new book. (the loss)
79- The Writers Union was formed to protect the rights and interests of all honest writers. (aimed at… )
80- Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth. (afraid of…….)
81- The government is going to carry out giant projects in industry and agriculture. (going to have )
82- Leila and Amalia very much wanted to catch Martin Lander.
(the same desire…… )
83- The people from the village carried the victim of the accident back to their house. (The villagers)
84- At high altitudes, you can die quickly from the cold if you are badly injured. (injuries)
85- My son was the only one who came to meet me at the airport. (Nobody)
86- Mario is a famous singer from Italy. (….. Italian…)
87- All the pupils who came late were punished except Amal.
(Amal was the only one)
88- Dr Hafez insisted on taking a photo of Leila holding the golden llama. (decided)
89- Ali told me he was sorry that he had broken the vase. (apologized…. )
90- Amira told Ali it was great he had won the race. (congratulated)
91- Salim said he wouldn’t lend me his bicycle. (refused….)
92- Tarik knows that to get promotion in his company, he must improve his computer skills. (depends on ….)
93- Why is lifelong learning important ? (importance ….)
94- Every year millions and millions of trees are cut down to make paper. (yearly)
95- The space shuttle returned to Earth later like a glider on a specially designed runway. (design…..)
96- “Let’s go for a drive,” said Sami. (Sami suggested …… )
97- Helping me clean the house was nice of you. (It was nice of you……)
98- I hate studying during the holidays. (I can’t stand….)
99- It’s not a good idea to go camping in the middle of the winter.
(It’s better to avoid……)
100- I’m accustomed to getting up late in the morning. (I used to …..)
الإجابات النموذجية
1- We are being asked many question by the tourists.
2- I was not supposed to start that business.
3- I should have been with my friends now.
4- In my opining / According to my opinion she will travel by train.
5- She wished she had gone to the wedding party.
6- I think (that) Tripoli isn’t as big as Cairo.
7- The secretary has written all reports.
8- If he had not been ill / If he had been well, he would have attended the party.
9- If he were tall, he would join the team. = He can’t join the team as he is short.
10- We should leave now. = We ought to leave now. = We’d better leave now.
11- In 1939 Dr.Aisha was awarded a BA.
12- If it were not for the a rapid growth of population……
13- Thousands of people are reading the books written by Taha Hussien.
14- I wondered how long I had been followed by them.
15- The thief shot him with a revolver.
16- They lent us ten thousand pounds last year.
17- Our government will have built that bridge by next Ramadan.
18- The judge / The court ought to sentence the criminal to death.
19- Who are you going to invite ?
20- Whoever telephones me say I’m out.
21- The match would only be cancelled if the weather were bad.
22- If the weather hadn’t been bad, the match wouldn’t have been canceled.
* Unless the weather had been bad, the match wouldn’t have been cancelled.
23- Due to your refusal to co-operate, I shall be obliged to take legal advice.
24- I’m fed up as a result I’m leaving. =I’m leaving as a result of being fed up.
25- I see you as being a basically kind person.
26- Although they fought bravely they had no chance of winning.
Despite their brave fight / fighting bravely, they had no chance of winning.
27- When I had met her, I knew about her success.
28- If she wins the prize, she will celebrate the event.
29- A cure for cancer has been discovered by scientists.
30- I always get tired when I arrive / get home.
31- The film is believed / supposed to be good .
32- Shall I meet you on Sunday ?
33- She’s going to go for a picnic on Firday. = She is going to have a picnic on…
34- When your car arrives, you’ll leave.
35- If I were a doctor, I could help you.
36- Have all questions been answered yet?
37- As soon as he had left home, he visited his uncle.
38- Khalid is as old as Sameer.
39- Even though he was ill,he went to school.
40- As long as you have a passport, you can travel to any country.
41- I should have a lot of money so as to travel round the world.
42- I last ate fish when I was in Marsa Matrouh.
= I haven’t eaten fish since I was in Marsa Matrouh.
43- I have not seen her since we were in Alex.
44- Although my grandfather is old, he still works on the farm.
45- I’ll give you a day off, provided that you work on Saturday morning.
= I’ll only give you a day off if you work on Saturday morning.
46- I told him the reason for the crime when I had found the clue.
47- Your father will tell you in advance.
48- By whom are they going to be invited ?
49- She was shocked by his attitude.
50- People say that he is famous in his own country.
51- Astrologers had / made a predication for the future.
52- Let’s go to the cafeteria.
53- As soon as he got up next morning……….
54- The weather was too cold for us to stay outdoors.
55- He succeeded in solving….
56- Hardly had the finished his computer programme when he …..
= After he had finished his computer programme, he …..
57- Children are transported free of charge around the world.
58- Fawzia was taken to the doctor who thought……
59- The organization helps children (who are) suffering from heart disease.
60- Classical music is usually composed and played by professional musicians who are interested in it.
61- Jazz music was born in the 20th century in the U.S.A.

62- You needn’t travel anywhere to become familiar with the cultures …..
63- I read English papers now and again.
64- Not only did Safiyya Zaghlul take part in marches and demonstrations but she also kept the home of Saad Zaghlul open for the meetings of nationalist leaders.
65- Your first sight of the Earth is unpredictable.
66- He came late as usual.
67- My boss asked me to post / if I could post some letters for him.
68- The judge suggested not saying anything about the murder till they had heard...
69- Samira got the job in spite of having no qualifications.
70- I don’t know the reason for your anger.
71- I was not the last to get on board the plane.
72- You’re too ill to work well.
73- I’ve difficulty in believing her.
74- Salma isn’t tall enough to reach the top shelf.
75- Finally the thief admitted stealing the car.= Finally the thief admitted that he had stolen the car. = Finally the thief admitted the car theft.
76- Society is made up of people who widely differ in abilities.
77- Our class is no longer a classroom.
78- The loss of my daughter’s book made her sorry
79- The Writers’ Union aimed at protecting…………..
80- …….because they were afraid of an influx of cheap cloth.
81- The government is going to have giant projects carried out.
82- Both Leila and Amalia had the same desire to catch Marten Lander.
83- The villagers carried the victim…..
84- Bad injuries can kill you quickly at high altitudes because of cold.
At high altitudes, you can die quickly from the cold if you have bad injuries.
85- Nobody came to meet me at the airport except my son.
86- Mario is a famous Italian singer.
87- Amal was the only one who was not punished.
88- Dr.Hafez decided to take a photo…………………
89- Ali apologized for breaking the vase.
90- Amira congratulated Ali on winning the race.
91- Salim refused to lend me his bicycle.
92- Tarik knows that his promotion in his company depends on improving…
93- What is the importance of lifelong learning?
94- Milions and millions of trees are yearly cut down to make paper.
95- ……. on a runway which has a special design.
96- Sami suggested going for a drive.
97- It was nice of you to help me clean / in cleaning the house.
98- I can’t stand studying during the holidays.
99- It’s better to avoid camping in the middle of the winter.
100- I used to get up late in the morning.
أسئلة الكتاب المدرسي واجاباتها النموذجية
1- I …… my money on this radio. It broke after one day!
a) spent b) wasted c) lost d) gave
2- Plants use energy from the sun ….. their food.
a) making b) made c) to make d) has made
3- My grandmother couldn’t read or write. She was …….
a) illogical b) illegal c) illegible d) illiterate
4- Who is responsible ……. this broken chair ?
a) for b) to c) with d) of
5- Naguib Mahfouz ……….. the Nobel Prize for Literature.
a) has awarded b) awarded c) was awarded d) will award
6- Azza passed her exam …….. being ill.
a) although b) because of c) but d) despite
7- A ……… eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth.
a) sunny b) solar c) lunar d) partial
8- Astronomers can …….. when eclipses will occur.
a) provide b) predict c) prevent d) pretend
9- If Mounir loses his job, he …….. look for work in the city.
a) will b) would c) had to d) have to
10- The country is suffering a …. there has been no rain for six months.
a) draught b) doubt c) drift d) drought
11- Carbon dioxide is a ………… gas.
a) partial b) precious c) poisonous d) polluted
12- Arriving early for an interview will work …… your favour.
a) in b) out c) up d) against
13- She’s just finished a course ……… music.
a) through b) with c) in d) at
14- Last year we visited Egypt and admired the ancient ……..
a) moments b) monuments c) monsters d) materials
15- The tough outer layer of a tree is called the …….
a) bark b) trunk c) branch d) skin
16- The leaves play a part in …… food for the tree.
a) make b) making c) made d) to make
17- The ………. of the River Nile is in Uganda.
a) beginning b) start c) source d) spring
18- We can ……. glass and paper.
a) recycle b) redo c) repair d) retreat
19- I ……….. some money to start my own business.
a) lent b) loaned c) bought d) borrowed
20- If you use my pen, remember ……….. it back.
a) giving b) to give c) given d) give
21- He ………. The Nobel Prize in 1988.
a) was awarded b) awarded c) has awarded d)was awarding
22- We persuaded him ……. us go to the party.
a) let b) letting c) in letting d) to let
23- You ……. take this medicine every day.
a) supposed b) ought c) should d) obliged
24- This map shows the exact ………. of the bus station.
a) place b) point c) region d) location
25- This airline flies to many ……. around the world.
a) goals b) destinations c) aims d) positions
26- I tried to phone him …… there was no answer.
a) although b) despite c) but d) because
27- The belief that black cats are lucky is a …………..
a) supposition b) superstition c) myth d) legend
28- If I ……….. rich, I would buy a big car.
a) were b) am c) had d) will be

29- The meeting was ……… because the manager was ill.
a) put out b) put away c) put off d) put in
30- I wouldn’t say it unless it ………. true.
a) is b) does c) did d) were
31- He used a ………. to look at the stars.
a) telescope b) television c) telephone d) telegram
32- I was surprised ……….. that he had won the prize.
a) learn b) learning c) learned d) to learn
33- People ……… music for thousands of years.
a) have been making b) are making
c) would be making d) had been making
34- ………… have found the ancient city of Ur.
a) Architects b) Archivists c) Archaeologists d) Advertisers
35- Musicians …….. into woodwind and brass in instruments.
a) breathe b) sigh c) cough d) blow
36- He stopped ………. and put down his pen.
a) write b) to write c) written d) writing
37- He is learning ………. the piano.
a) to play b) play c) playing d) played
38- The people held a ……….. against the new tax.
a) demonstration b) society c) gathering d)disagreement
39- The soldiers were praised for their…………
a) freedom b) patriotism c) equality d) superstition
40- We congratulated her ……… her success.
a) for b) at c) con d) by
41- He was arrested ………. starting fire.
a) with b) of c) to d) for
42- She spent many years fighting for women’s ………
a) opinions b) rights c) votes d) protests
43- His coat was made of a ……….. material.
a) synthetic b) sinister c) solar d) satellite
44- It ………… be wonderful to see Earth from space.
a) could b) should c) can d) must
45- Wood is used ……… making paper.
a) to b) for c) with d) from
46- There is an exhibition of ……….. at the new art gallery.
a) fireworks b) sculptures c) monuments d) celebrations
47- It isn’t good to owe money. You should always repay your……
a) grants b) gifts c) debts d) benefits
48- In future most of our work ….. by machines.
a) will be doing b) has been done c) will do d) wil be done
49- Egypt has made a great contribution ………… world peace.
a) for b) to c) in d) of
50- Telephone, radio and television are all forms …… communication.
a) from b) of c) to d) with
51- I’m afraid Mr. El Hegazy isn’t here. Can I take a ………. ?
a) massage b) missive c) missile d) message
52- My father has worked hard for many years and now he’s looking forward to …….
a) retiring b) retreating c) recycling d) repeating
53- He’s …….. he has a small company making furniture.
a) self-assured b) selfish c)self-employed d)self-possessed
54- Astronomers can ………… when asteroids will hit Earth.
a) pretend b) predict c) produce d) prevent
55- He was accused ………. stealing the car.
a) for b) to c) with d) of
56- She was blamed ……….. the mess.
a) for b) to c) with d) of
57- I was shocked ……….. that he had died.
a) hearing b) to hear c) hear d) to be heard
58- The demonstrators were ……... against and unfair law.
a) protesting b) preventing c) producing d) providing
59- He suggested ……… to the park.
a) to go b) go c) gone d) going
60- By and ……….., I agree with what you are saying.
a) big b) large c) huge d) vast
61- She agreed ……….. to the teacher.
a) to apologize b) apologizing c) to have apologized d) apologize
62- After the ……….. the country had a new government.
a) equality b) freedom c) independence d) revolution
63- Oraby lived in ……. in another country for many years.
a) exit b) exile c) exhaustion d) expert
64- I expect he ………. pass his exams easily.
a) would b) should c) will d) must
65- Materials such ………. glass and paper can be recycled.
a) for b) as c) with d) or
66- Coal, oil and natural gas are all …… fuels.
a) renewable b) fossil c) nuclear d) energy
67- Nadia is ……….. she speaks Arabic and English.
a)monosyllabic b) literate c) bilingual d) irregular
67- Hydroelectric power stations ………. electricity.
a) renew b) generate c) recycle d) use
69- My plane ………… at ten tomorrow morning.
a) arrives b) arrived c) has arrived d) was arriving
70- He doesn’t look happy ………. I’m sure he passed the exam.
a) because b) although c) despite d) unless
71- He refused ………… my question.
a) answering b) for answering c) to answer d) answer
72- The new company is looking for ………. workers.
a) illiterate b) lazy c) careless d) skilled
73- Self-employed people enjoy …….. the freedom to work when they like.
a) to have b) to be having c) having d) have
74- Being your own ………… can have advantages and disadvantages.
a) colleague b) worker c) servant d) boss
75- Every leaf plays a part ………… food for the plant.
a) in making b) to make c) of making d) with making
76- His business ………… and he had to hire new workers.
a) exploded b) existed c) expanded d) extracted
77- The statue ………... out of stone by the ancient Egyptians.
a) has carved b) was carved c)has been carved d) will be carved
78- The village was ………… when the river flooded.
a) supposed b) supported c) subjected d) submerged

79- The advantages are outweighed ………… the disadvantages.
a) by b) from c) with d) for
80- In AD 106, Petra was ……… by the Romans.
a) arrested b) captured c) accused d) caught
81- He won the medal by jumping ………. than anyone else.
a) highest b) higher c) height d) high
82- In 1969 Neil Armstrong ……….. his first steps on the moon.
a) was taken b) has taken c) is taking d) took
83- Astronauts wear special clothes which ……….them from extreme temperatures.
a) protest b) prevent c) protect d) produce
84- There is no oxygen in space, so you …………. breathe normally.
a) must b) wouldn’t c) can d) can’t
85- The young musician …………. hard before the concert.
a) attempted b) tried c) practised d) learnt
86- Do you enjoy ………….. to classical music ?
a) listening b) listen c) listened d) to listen
87- She took the doctor’s ……. to the chemist’s and got her medicine.
a) description b) prescription c) drawing d) provision
88- This famous surgeon has …………… many heart operations.
a) produced b) composed c) performed d) prescribed
89- The festival commemorates an incident which ………… in 1875.
a) was happening b) has happened c) could happen d) happened
90- The hotel wanted …………… a new receptionist.
a) hiring b) hired c) to hire d) hire
91- They tried to find a new employee …………. advertising in the paper.
a) for b) by c) to d) with
92- She was very good at her job and got …………. quickly.
a) promotion b) production c) protection d) provision
93- When he left school, he ………….. to join the army.
a) contracted b) applied c) connected d) requested
94- I hope you will stay in …………. after you go back to your country.
a) feeling b) touch c) write d) concert
95- Students who come to this university must expect ……….. hard.
a) work b) working c) worked d) to work
96- She is very ………… she wants to run the company one day.
a) ambiguous b) ambitious c) amphibious d) ambivalent

الإجابات النموذجية لأسئلة الإختيار بالكتاب المدرسي
1 b) wasted 25 b)destinations 49 b) to 73 c) having
2 c) to make 26 c) but 50 b) of 74 d) boss
3 d) illiterate 27 b)superstition 51 d) message 75 a) in making
4 a) for 28 a) were 52 a) retiring 76 c) expanded
5 c) was awarded 29 c) put off 53 c) self-employed 77 b) was carved
6 d) despite 30 d) were 54 b) predict 78 d) submerged
7 b) solar 31 a) telescope 55 d) of 79 a) by
8 b) predict 32 d) to learn 56 a) for 80 b) captured
9 a) will 33 have been making 57 b) to hear 81 b) higher
10 d) drought 34 c)archaeologists 58 a) protesting 82 d) took
11 c) poisonous 35 d) blow 59 d) going 83 c) protect
12 a) in 36 d) writing 60 b) large 84 d) can’t
13 c) in 37 a) to play 61 a) to apologize 85 c) practised
14 b)monuments 38 a)demonstration 62 c) independence 86 a) listening
15 a) bark 39 b) patriotism 63 b) exile 87 b) prescription
16 b) making 40 c) on 64 c) will 88 c) performed
17 c) source 41 d) for 65 b) as 89 d) happened
18 a) recycle 42 b) rights 66 b) fossil 90 c) to hire
19 d) borrowed 43 a) synthetic 67 c) bilingual 91 b) by
20 b) to give 44 d) must 68 b) generate 92 a) promotion
21 a)was awarded 45 b) for 69 a) arrives 93 b) applied
22 d) to let 46 b) sculptures 70 b) although 94 b) touch
23 c) should 47 c) debts 71 c) to answer 95 d) to work
24 d) location 48 d) will be done 72 d) skilled 96 b) ambitious
أسئلة الكتاب المدرسي الخاصة بالقواعد واجاباتها النموذجية
1- You should turn off the lights when you leave the room. ( supposed to )
2-Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. ( by)
3- Don’t look directly at the sun. ( should)
4- The 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature went to Naguib Mahfouz. (awarded)
5-What do you think about mobile phones ? ( opinion)
6-Try to solve the problem in your head. (work)
7-You can’t be serious! (joking)
8-He borrowed money from the bank to start his business. (lent)
9-I am sure Ahmed didn’t boil the water before he made this tea. (couldn’t)
10-I really wish I had worked harder at school. (If)
11-He is studying law at university, but he doesn’t want to be a lawyer. (although)
12-Can I borrow your dictionary, please ? (mind)
13-It is more unusual to see a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse . (common)
14-I am glad I started my own business. (regret)
15-He said that he hadn’t stolen the bicycle. (denied)
16-He told me he was sorry that he had arrived late. (apologized)
17-It is not possible that he caught the bus. (couldn’t)
18-If only I hadn’t spent so much money on clothes! (wish)
19-John Logy Baird invented the television. (by)
20-He played football even though he was old. (despite)
21-Nadia says she’s happy to stay with the children. (mind)
22-They told her it was wonderful that she had won the competition. (congratulated)
23-He said that he wouldn’t eat his dinner. (refused)
24-What time is it, please ? (got)
25-I like most pop music, but not rap. (although)
26-Azza joined an evening course in computing. (enrolled)
27-If you need any help, just contact me. ( touch )
28-We saved a lot of money by using the bottles several times. (recycling)
29-Why do people celebrate this festival ? ( commemorate )
30-She hopes to get a better job in the same company. ( promoted )
31-You’ll just have to be patient. (wait)
32-He occasionally goes to school by bus. (now and again)
33-They said it might be a good idea to telephone him. (suggested)
34-Nadia said that she wouldn’t lend me her dictionary. (refused)
35-They said the accident was his fault. (blamed)
36-How about going to see that new film at the cinema ? (Let’s)
37-Ali told me that Waheed had had an accident and I telephoned the hospital at once. (as soon as)
38-Dina’s idea was to find the information in the library. (suggested)
39-I’m happy to work this evening. (don’t mind)
40-It is impossible that he didn’t hear the warning. (must)
الإجابات النموذجية لأسئلة القواعد بالكتاب المدرسي

1- You are supposed to turn off the lights when you ……..
2- Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
3- You shouldn’t look directly at the sun.
4- Naguib Mahfouz was awarded the 1988 Noble Prize for literature.
5- What’s your opinion of mobile phones? = How do you find mobile phones?
6- Try to work out the problem in your mind.
7- You must be joking!
8- The bank lent him money to start his business.
9- Ahmad couldn’t have boiled the water before making ….
10- If only I had worked harder at school.
11- He doesn’t want to be a lawyer although he is studying law.
12- Could you lend me your dictionary? = Would you mind lending me your dictionary?
- Would you mind if I borrow your dictionary?
13- A lunar eclipse is more usual to see than a solar eclipse.
- It’s more common to see a lunar eclipse a than solar eclipse
14- I don’t regret starting my own business.
- I’m not sorry for starting my own business.
15- He denied stealing the money. = He denied that he had stolen the money. 16- He apologized to me for arriving late.
- He said to me, “ I am sorry I have arrived late.”
17- He couldn’t have caught the bus. = He must have missed the bus.
18- I wish I hadn’t spent so much money on clothes.
- I regret spending so much money on clothes.
19- The television was invented by John Logy Baird.
20- He played football despite his old age. - Old as he was, he played football.

- However old he was, he played football.
21- Nadia says she doesn’t mind staying with children.
22- They congratulated her on winning the competition.
23- He refused to eat his dinner.
24- Have you got the time, please?
25- Although I like most pop music, I don’t like rap.
26- Azza enrolled on / in an evening course in computing.
27- If you need any help, just get in touch.
28- We saved a lot of money by recycling the bottles.
29- What does this festival commemorate?
30- She hopes to get / be promoted……….
31- You’ll have just to wait and see.
32- He goes to school by bus now and again.
33- They suggested telephoning him.
34- Heba refused to lend me……….
35- They blamed him for the accident.=They blamed the accident on him.
36- Let’s go and see that film………..
37- As soon as Ali told me about Waleed’s accident, I telephoned the hospital.
38- Dina suggested finding the information in the library.
39- I don’t mind working…………..
40- He must have heard the warning.

مجموعة مختارة من أسئلة القواعد واللغويات من الكتاب المدرسي ودليل التقويم واجاباتها النموذجية

Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets to give that same meaning
1- They awarded a BA to Dr Aisha in 1939. ( Dr Aisha )
2- Dr Aisha’s father took her to religious meetings. ( Dr Aisha )
3- People considered it wrong for women to take part in public life. ( It )
4- People today still read Dr Aisha’s books. ( are )
5- People admired Mrs. Susan Mubarak for her courage in promoting women’s rights. ( Mrs. Susan Mubarak )
6- The newspaper Al Ahram published Dr Aisha’s articles.
( Dr Aisha’s articles )
7- It was considered unnecessary to educate women. ( People)
8- The pen name” Bint El Shatei” was taken by Dr Aisha as a sign of respect to her father. ( Dr Aisha )
9- The Article “ We are no more evil than men “ was written in 1951. ( Dr Aisha )
10- Dr Aisha was employed by Cairo University as a research assistant. ( Cairo University )
11- Some beautiful poetry was written by Dr Aisha. ( Dr Aisha )
12- You should turn off the lights when you leave the room. ( supposed )
13- Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. ( by )
14- Don’t look directly at the sun. ( should )
15- The 1988 Noble Prize for literature went to Naguib Mahfouz.( awarded )
16- What do you think of mobile phones ? ( opinion / find )
17- Awad thought he had shut the gate to the field, but now the goats are all in the road. ( can’t )
18- Try to solve the problem in your head. ( work out )
19- You can’t be serious ! ( joking )
20- He borrowed money from the bank to start his business. ( lent )
21- I’m sure Ali didn’t boil the water before making this tea. ( couldn’t )
22- I really wish I had worked harder at school. ( If )
23- He is studying law, but he doesn’t want to be a lawyer. ( although )
24- Can I borrow your dictionary? ( lend / mind / mind if )
25- It is more unusual to see a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse. ( A lunar eclipse ) ( common )
26- I am glad I started my own business. ( regret / sorry )
27- He said that he hadn’t stolen the money. ( denied / denied that )
28- He told me he was sorry that he had arrived late. ( apologized ) - ( He said to me )
29- It is not possible that he caught the bus. ( couldn’t ) ( must )
30- If only I hadn’t spent so much money on clothes. ( wish / regret )
31- John Logie Baird invented the television. ( by )
32- He played football even though he was old. ( despite / However / as )
33- She complained that she had spent a lot of time in hospital the previous year. ( She said )
34- They mentioned they were planning to study medicine the following year. ( They said )
35- He indicated that he would think about the problem. ( will )
36- He asserted that his hospital was the best in the city. ( He said )
37- He agreed he would perform the operation the following day. ( will )
38- He asked me if I had heard that Adel was in hospital. ( He said to me )
39- He wanted to know what they had said. ( did )
40- He asked me what time I was free that evening. ( He said )
41- He wanted to know if I would give him a lift to the hospital. ( will )
42- The tourists are asking us many questions. ( We )
43- I really regret ever starting that business. ( supposed )
44- I wish I were with my friends now. ( should )
45- I think she will travel by train. ( opinion )
46- It’s a pity she couldn’t go to the wedding party. ( wish )
47- I don’t think Tripoli is bigger than Cairo. ( as …. as )
48- All reports have been written. ( The secretary …. )
49- He was very ill. That was why he didn’t attend the party. ( If ) ( Unless )
50- He isn’t tall enough to join the team. ( because ) ( therefore )
51- It’s time for us to leave. ( We )
52- In 1939, Dr. Aisha got her B.A. ( awarded )
53- Owing to the rapid growth of population, there will be more housing problems. ( Unless ) ( If it ) ( But for )
54- The books written by Taha Hussien are being read everywhere. ( Thousands of people )
55- I wondered how long they had followed me. ( been )
56- She was shot with a revolver. ( The thief )
57- We were lent ten thousand pounds last year. ( They )
58- By next year that bridge will have been built. ( Our government )
59- The criminal ought to be punished. ( They )
60- Computers help man to extend the scope of his mind. (opportunities)
61- No matter who telephones, say I’m busy ! ( Whoever )
62- Due to the bad weather, the match was cancelled. ( because ) ( so )
63- Since you refuse to co-operate, I shall be forced to take legal advice. ( Due to ) ( consequently )
64- I’m leaving because I’m fed up ! ( as a result of ) ( as a result )
65- Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning. ( However ) ( Although ) ( Despite ) ( but )
66- I only knew about her success after meeting her. ( When ) ( It was )
67- In the event that she wins the prize, she will perhaps celebrate the event. ( If )
68- Scientists have discovered a cure for cancer. ( been )
69- I’m used to getting tired when I do too much work. ( always )
70- It is believed that the film is very good. ( supposed )
71- I suggest meeting you on Sunday. ( Shall )
72- She arranged to go for a picnic on Friday. ( going to )
73- You won’t leave until your car arrives. ( When )
74- I’m not a doctor, I can’t help you. ( If )
75- Has he answered all the questions yet ? ( Have )
76- First he left home. Then he visited his uncle. ( As soon as )
77- Fady is twenty years old and so is Kareem. ( as … as )
78- In spite of being ill, he went to school. ( even though ) ( However )
79- You can’t travel to any foreign country unless you have a passport. ( as long as )
80- For travelling round the world, I should have a lot of money. ( so as to)
81- The last time I ate fish was in Marsa Matrouth. ( When )
82- I last saw her when we were in Tanta. ( since )
83- Despite being old, my grandfather still works on the farm. ( Although )
84- I’ll give you a day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning. ( provided that )
85- I told him the reason for the crime only after finding the clue. ( When )
86- You’ll be told everything in advance. ( Your father )
87- We know that he is a man of principles. ( He )
88- His attitude shocked her. ( She )
89- He is said to be famous in his own country. ( People )
90- Astrologers can predict the future. ( prediction )
91- I woke up early today, but I was late for school. ( Although ) ( However )
92- How about going to the cinema tonight ? ( Shall / Let’s )
93- You should spend more time on you studies this year. ( supposed) ( if ) ( advise )
94- Greek astronomers predicted eclipses accurately. ( by )
95- Samy was fixing the television when I arrived. ( being )
96- I read the book all in one night. ( took )
97- I didn’t know that Mr. El Hegazy was in town and now I’m sorry. ( I wish )
98- I’m sure that Bahaa wasn’t at school yesterday. ( couldn’t )
99- Mona has her own company. ( work )
100- I’m sorry I didn’t lock the door. ( wish / regret )
101- You shouldn’t buy an old car. ( suppose ) ( If )( advise ) ( were )
102- Could you pass me the sugar, please ? ( mind )
103- People suppose he will win the first prize. ( supposed )
104- If you don’t behave yourself, you’ll be in trouble. ( Unless )
105- How about going to the cafeteria? ( Let’s )
106- On getting up next morning, he discovered that the tent was pulled down. ( as soon as )
107- The weather was so cold. We couldn’t stay outdoors. ( too )
108- He managed to solve the most difficult equation in no time. ( succeeded )
109- Having finished his computer programme, he logged on. ( Hardly )
110- Many airlines around the world transport children free of charge. ( Children )
111- Fawzia was taken to the doctor. He thought that there was something wrong with her heart. ( who )
112- The organization helps children with heart disease. ( suffer )
113- Classical music is usually composed and played by professional musicians. ( interested in )
114- The twentieth century has seen the birth of Jazz in the U.S.A. ( was born )
115- Without having to travel anywhere, you can become familiar with the cultures of other countries. ( You needn’t )
116- I don’t often read English newspapers. I read them occasionally. ( now and again )
117- Safiya Zaghlul took part in marches and demonstrations. She kept the home of Saad Zaghlul open for the meetings of the nationalist leaders. ( Not only )
118- Nothing can prepare you for your first sight of the Earth. ( unpredictable )
119- He usually comes late. ( as usual )
120- “You might post some letters for me”, said my boss.(My boss asked )
121- The judge said, “Let’s not say anything about the murder till we hear the facts” ( suggested )
122- My friend Samira got the job although she had no qualifications. ( in spite of )
123- I can’t imagine why you are so angry. ( anger )
124- There were still several empty seats in the plane when I arrived. (last )
125- I felt terrible when I heard Ali had been fired. ( I was sorry )
126- You can’t work well. You’re very ill. ( You’re too ill )
127- It’s difficult for me to believe her. ( I’ve difficulty )
128- Salma can’t reach top shelf. She isn’t tall enough. ( Salma isn’t tall enough )
129- The thief finally told the police that he had stolen the car. ( Finally the thief admitted )
130- Renewable energy doesn’t run out. ( lasts )
131- My brother speaks two languages perfectly well. ( bilingual )
132- He always comes late. ( is )
133- She is kind at all times. ( always )

الإجابات النموذجية للأسئلة الكتاب المدرسي ودليل تقويم الطالب

1- Dr Aisha was awarded a BA in 1939.
2- Dr Aisha was taken to religious meetings by her father.
3- It was considered wrong for women to take part in public life.
4- Dr Aisha’s books are still being read today.
5- Mrs Susan Mubarak was admired for her courage in promoting….
6- Dr Aisha’s articles were published in the newspaper Al Ahram.
7- People considered it unnecessary to educate women.
8- Dr Aisha took the pen name “ Bint El Shatei” as a sign of respect to her father.
9- Dr Aisha wrote the article “ We are no more evil than men “ in 1651.
10- Cairo University employed Dr Aisha as a research assistant.
11- Dr Aisha wrote some beautiful poetry.
12- You are supposed to turn off the lights when you ……..
13- Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
14- You shouldn’t look directly at the sun.
15- Naguib Mahfouz was awarded the 1988 Noble Prize for literature.
16- What’s your opinion of mobile phones?
- How do you find mobile phones?
17- Awad can’t have shut the gate to the field.
18- Try to work out the problem in your mind.
19- You must be joking!
20- The bank lent him money to start his business.
21- Ali couldn’t have boiled the water before making ….
22- If only I had worked harder at school.
23- He doesn’t want to be a lawyer although he is studying law.
24- Could you lend me your dictionary?
- Would you mind lending me your dictionary?
- Would you mind if I borrow your dictionary?
25- A lunar eclipse is more usual to see than a solar eclipse.
- It’s more common to see a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse.
26- I don’t regret starting my own business.
- I’m not sorry for starting my own business.
27- He denied stealing the money.
- He denied that he had stolen the money.
28- He apologized to me for arriving late.
- He said to me, “ I am sorry I have arrived late.”
29- He couldn’t have caught the bus.
- He must have missed the bus.
30- I wish I hadn’t spent so much money on clothes.
- I regret spending so much money on clothes.
31- The television was invented by John Logy Baird.
32- He played football despite his old age.
- However old he was, he played football.
- Old as he was, he played football.
33- She said,” I spent a lot of time in hospital last year.”
34- They said,” We are planning to study medicine next year.”
35- He said,” I will think about the problem.”
101- He said,” My hospital is the best in the city.”
102- He said,” I will perform the operation tomorrow.”
103- He said to me,” Have you heard that Adel is in hospital.”
104- He said,” What did they say?”
105- He said to me,” What time are you free this evening?”
106- He said to me,” Will you give me a lift to the hospital?”
107- We are being asked many questions by the tourists.
108- I was not supposed to start that business.
109- I should have been with my friends now.
110- In my opining / According to my opinion she will travel by train.
111- She wished she had gone to the wedding party.
112- I think (that) Tripolis isn’t as big as Cairo.
113- The secretary has written all reports.
114- If he had not been ill / If he had been well, he would have attended the party. – Unless he had been ill, he would have attended the party.
115- He can’t join the team because he isn’t tall enough. - He isn’t tall enough; therefore he can’t join the team.
116- We should leave now./ We ought to leave now / We’d better leave now.
117- In 1939 Dr.Aisha was awarded a BA.
118- If it were not for = But for the rapid growth of population, there wouldn’t be more housing problems. - Unless there were a rapid….,….
119- Thousands of people are reading the books written by Taha Hussien.
120- I wondered how long I had been followed by them.
121- The thief shot her with a revolver.
122- They lent us ten thousand pounds last year.
123- Our government will have built that bridge by next year.
124- They ought to punish the criminal.
125- Computers provide opportunities for man to extend the scope of his knowledge.
126- Whoever telephones me, say I’m busy.
127- The match was cancelled because the weather was bad. The weather was bad, so the match was cancelled.
128- Due to your refusal to co-operate, I shall be forced to take legal advice. You refuse to co-operate, consequently I shall be forced to take ..
129- I’m leaving as a result of being fed up. - I’m fed up as a result I’m leaving.
130- However bravely they fought, they had no chance of winning. Although they fought bravely, they had no chance of winning. Despite their brave fight / fighting bravely, they had no chance of winning.
131- When I had met her, I knew about her success. - It was only when I had met her that I knew about her success.
132- If she wins the prize, she will celebrate the event.
133- A cure for cancer has been discovered by scientists.
134- I always get tired when I do too much work.
135- The film is believed / supposed to be good. - It’s supposed that the film is very good.
136- Shall I meet you on Sunday ?
137- She’s going to have a picnic on Friday.
138- When your car arrives, you’ll leave.
139- If I were a doctor, I would, could / I’d help you.
140- Have all the questions been answered yet?
141- As soon as he had left home, he visited his uncle.
142- Fady is as old as Kareem.
143- However ill he was, he went to school. He went to school even though he was ill.
144- You can travel to any country as long as you have a passport,.
145- I should have a lot of money so as to travel round the world.
146- I last ate fish when I was in Marsa Matrouh.
147- I have not seen her since we were in Tanta.
148- Although my grandfather is old, he still works on the farm.
149- I’ll give you a day off, provided that you work on Saturday morning. I’ll only give you a day off if you work on Saturday morning.
150- I told him the reason for the crime when I had found the clue.
151- Your father will tell you everything in advance.
152- He is known to be a man of principles.
153- She was shocked by his attitude.
154- People say that he is famous in his own country.
155- Astroglogers can make predictions about the future.
156- Although I woke up early today, I was late for school. - However early I woke up today, I was late for school.
157- Let’s go to the cinema tonight. _ Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
158- You are supposed to spend more time on your studies this year.
- If I were you, I would spend more time on my studies. – I advise you to spend more time on your studies.
159- Eclipses were accurately predicted by Greek astronomers.
160- The television was being fixed by Samy when I arrived.
161- I took one night to read the book all. - It took me one night to read the book all.
162- I wish I had known that Mr. El Hegazy was in town.
163- Bahaa couldn’t have been at school yesterday.
164- Mona works for herself.
165- I wish I had locked the door. – I regret not locking the door.
166- You aren’t supposed to buy an old car. –If I were you, I wouldn’t buy an old car. – I advise you not to buy an old car.
167- Would you mind passing me the salt, please?
168- He is supposed to win the first prize.
169- Unless you behave yourself, you will be in trouble.
170- Let’s go to the cafeteria.
171- As soon as he had got up next morning, he discovered that…
172- The weather was too cold for us to stay outdoors.
173- He succeeded in solving the most difficult equation in no time.
174- Hardly had he finished his computer programme when he logged on.
175- Children are transported free of charge around the world.
176- Fawzia was taken to the doctor who thought that there was………
177- The organization helps children who are suffering from heart disease.
178- Classical music is usually composed and played by professional musicians who are interested in it.
179- Jazz music was born in the 20th century in the U.S.A
180- You needn’t travel anywhere to become familiar with the cultures of other countries.
181- I read English papers now and again.
182- Not only did Safiyya Zaghlul take part in marches and demonstrations but she also kept the home of Saad Zaghlul open for the meetings of nationalist leaders.
183- Your first sight of the Earth is unpredictable.
184- He came late as usual.
185- My boss asked me if I could / to post some letters for him.
186- The judge suggested not saying anything about the murder till they heard the facts.
187- In spite of having no qualifications my friend, Samira, got the job.
188- I don’t know the reason for your anger.
189- I was not the last to get on board the plane.
190- I was sorry to hear that Ali was fired.
191- You’re too ill to work well.
192- I’ve difficulty in believing her.
193- Salma isn’t tall enough to reach the top shelf.
194- Finally the thief admitted stealing the car. -Finally the thief admitted that he had stolen the car. - Finally the thief admitted the car theft.
195- Renewable energy lasts forever.
196- My brother is bilingual.
197- He is always late.
198- She is always kind.

1- Nadia is ………….. she speaks Arabic and English.
a) monosyllabic b) literate c) bilingual d) irregular
2- Blind people need access ………….. all methods of communication that sighted people enjoy.
a) from b) to c) about d) with
3- I could see the general outline, but it was too far away to see the …….
a) forms b) beauty c) details d) shape
4- Scientists are always looking for ways …. our knowledge of the world.
a) to increase b) increase c) increasing d) increased
5- The screen readers we have at the moment can read ………….. .
a) text b) images c) pictures d) Braille
6- New screen readers will be able to ………….. pictures.
a) create b) describe c) read d) speak
7- Take ………….. your coat and sit down. Would you like some coffee ?
a) away b) up c) off d) out
8- Put ………….. your books, please. I want to set the table for dinner.
a) off b) away c) up d) in
9- Let’s have a meeting so every one can put ………….. their ideas for the new building.
a) down b) in c) through d) forward
10- The receptionist took ….. the man’s name and promised to deliver the message.
a) forward b) away c) down d) off
11- I decided not to see the film I was put ……….. by the horrible picture on the poster.
a) off b) out c) down d) up
12- The poor old man was taken ………….. by the thief.
a) out b) through c) in d) down
13- Materials such ………….. glass and paper can be recycled.
a) for b) as c) with d) or
14- Coal, oil and natural gas are all ………….. fuel.
a) renewable b) fossil c) nuclear d) energy
15- Hydroelectric power stations ………….. electricity.
a) renew b) generate c) recycle d) use
16- My plane ………….. at ten tomorrow morning.
a) was arriving b) arrived c) has arrived d) arrives
17- He doesn’t look happy ………….. I am sure he passed the exam.
a) because b) although c) despite d) unless
18- He refused ………….. my question.
a) for answering b) answering c) to answer d) answer
19- The new company is looking for ………….. workers.
a) illiterate b) lazy c) careless d) skilled
20- I started my own business because I wanted ………….. when to work and what to do.
a) to decide b) decide c) deciding d) decided
21- Being your own …… can have advantages and disadvantages.
a) colleague b) worker c) servant d) boss
22- ………... running you own business is hard work, it is also enjoyable.
a) Despite b) Because c) Although d) However
23- I’m thinking about ………….. some of my goods overseas.
a) exporting b) to export c) export d) exported
24- We ………….. sell our goods to domestic customers, but some items are exported.
a) sometimes b) only c) mainly d) rarely
25- Our climate hasn’t always been the same. It has changed …….. the years.
a) form b) in c) over d) into
26- People who lived in Australia before other nationalities arrived there are called ………….. .
a) white b) original c) aboriginal d) antiseptic
27- Japanese people like to get agreement ………….. a question before they discuss it in a meeting.
a) of b) in c) on d) with
28- In hydroponics nutrients are ………….. in water.
a) distrusted b) dissolved c) disgusted d) distressed
29- Plants can grow without soil ………….. they get food from water.
a) as much as b) as for as c) as long as d) as little
30- Astronauts are now looking at ways ……… producing food in space.
a) to b) of c) with d) for
31- Scientists are always looking for solutions ….. the world’s problems.
a) to b) from c) of d) with
32- As cities grow bigger, the amount of land available for farming is …..
a) increased b) deserted c) cultivated d) limited
33- Self employed people enjoy …… the freedom to work when they like.
a) to be having b) to have c) having d) have
34- Every leaf plays a part ………….. food for the plant.
a) with making b) in making c) of making d) to make
35- His business ………….. and he had to hire new workers.
a) exploded b) exited c) expanded d) extracted
36- The statue ………….. out of stone by the ancient Egyptians.
a)has been carved b) will be carved c) has craved d) was craved
37- The village was ………….. when the river flooded.
a) submerged b) submerge c) appear d) float
38- The advantages are outweighed ………….. the disadvantages.
a) by b) from c) with d) for
39- In AD 106, Petra was………….. by the Romans.
a) arrested b) captured c) accused d) caught
40- I ………….. my money on this radio. It broke after one day !
a) spend b) wasted c) lost d) gave
41- Plants use energy from the sun ………….. food.
a) making b) made c) to make d) gave
42- My grandmother couldn’t read. She was ………….. .
a) illogical b) illegal c) illegible d) illiterate
43- Who is responsible ………….. this broken chair ?
a) for b) to c) with d) of
44- Azza passed her exam ………….. being ill.
a) although b) because of c) but d) despite
45- A ……… eclipse occurs when the moon is between the sun and the Earth.
a) sunny b) solar c) lunar d) partial
46- Astronomers can ………….. when eclipses occur.
a) provide b) predict c) prevent d) pretend
47- The country is suffering a …… there has been no rain for six months.
a) draught b) doubt c) drift d) drought
48- The tough outer layer of a tree is called the ………….. .
a) bark b) trunk c) branch d) skin
49- Arriving early for an interview will work ………….. your favour.
a) in b) out c) up d) against
50- She’s just finished a course ………….. music.
a) through b) with c) in d) at
51- Carbon dioxide is a ………….. gas.
a) poisonous b) partial c) precious d) polluted
52- He used a ………….. to look at the stars.
a) telescope b) television c) telephone d) telegram
53- The meeting was ………….. because the manager was ill.
a) put out b) put away c) put off d) put in
54- I wouldn’t say it unless it ………….. true.
a) is b) does c) did d) were
55- The belief that black cats are lucky is a ………….. .
a) supposition b) superstition c) myth d) legend
56- I tried to phone him, ………….. there was no answer.
a) although b) but c) despite d) because
57- This airlines flies to many ………….. around the world.
a) destinations b) goals c) aims d) positions
58- This map shows the exact ………….. of the bus station.
a) place b) point c) region d) location
59- You ………….. take this medicine every day.
a) supposed b) ought c) should d) obliged
60- I was surprised ………….. that he had won the prize.
a) learn b) learning c) learned d) to learn
نموذج إجابة السؤال الثالث
1 (c) bilingual 21 (d) boss 41 (c) to make
2 (b) to 22 (c) Although 42 (d) illiterate
3 (c) details 23 (a) exporting 43 (a) for
4 (a) to increase 24 (c) mainly 44 (d) despite
5 (c) pictures 25 (c) over 45 (b) solar
6 (c) read 26 (c) aboriginal 46 (b) predict
7 (c) off 27 (c) on 47 (d) drought
8 (b) away 28 (b) dissolved 48 (a) bark
9 (d) forward 29 (c) as long as 49 (a) in
10 (c) down 30 (d) for 50 (c) in
11 (a) off 31 (a) to 51 (a) poisonous
12 (c) in 32 (d) limited 52 (a) telescope
13 (b) as 33 (c) having 53 (c) put off
14 (b) fossil 34 (b) in making 54 (d) were
15 (b) generate 35 (c) expanded 55 (b) superstition
16 (d) arrives 36 (d) was carved 56 (b) but
17 (b) although 37 (a) submerged 57 (a) destinations
18 (c) to answer 38 (a) by 58 (d) location
19 (d) skilled 39 (b) captured 59 (c) should
20 (a) to decide 40 (b) wasted 60 (d) to learn

What can't be cured must be endured

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